Ruud Allers

معلومات عني

Ruud Allers
 Ruud Allers
معلومات عني:
45 Year old male, born in the city of Sittard, The Netherlands. Since 2007 residing in Wuxi and Shenzhen China. Like to have a positive approach to life and making friends. I have 20+ years of professional experience in Operations, Quality, Production and Project management. During my career I’ve worked in a wide array of industrial sectors such as Consumer electronics, Micro-Electronics, Alternative Fuel systems, Overhead doors systems and metal hardware punching in global operating companies.
الإقامة في:
Wuxi (China)
German, English, Dutch
البحث عن:
الأصدقاء, معارف العمل


F1 Racing, Electronic Gadgets, Iphone
الموسيقى المفضلة:
Rock, Alternative Rock
الأفلام المفضلة:
Comedy, Action
الكتب المفضلة:
Newspaper, Online articles
أمور أحبها:
People with a positive attitude
أمور أكرهها:
Things that 'cannot be done', dishonesty
وضع العلاقة: