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Everybody with Obama?

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I beleive he´s a humanist, but if win take a big responsability, are you with him? Why?
I want to beleive he´s the best for world.

  • Rafael Pinzon

    публикувано от  в Канкун форум 

    I beleive the elect president Barack Obama is humanist and this is good for Mexico, similar to Kennedy, fight for human rigths, don´t like racism and eventually is a dangerous situation for him but will conquer his objetives. So the question is how long he will be able to work for humanity.
    Thanks for reply.

  • Olga Zredzki

    публикувано от  в Канкун форум 

    Not sure he's the best in the world, but definitely better than Bush. What do you think this will mean for Mexico?

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