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What is after red white red card plus

Publikováno v Fórum Rakousko

RWR plus card is provided for three years. What is next to it? Nationality? Or what? Simply I want to ask how much time one need to spend in Austria to get nationality if one has arrived in Austria as a highly skilled worker. My score is 76/100 whereas minimum requirement is 70

  • Profil uživatele Stephan Baumhauer

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Rakousko 

    You might want to get legal advice if citizenship is denied afterwards. It really depends on small details and sometimes for the same case there are two different outcomings. These guys will be more than happy if you need some information:

  • Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Rakousko 

    after RWR plus you can apply for the European permit called EU Card Blue which allows you to accept work throughout Schengen area.

    After 5 years of residence and work permit in Austria you can apply for permanent residence in Austria which is granted for 5 years and can be prolonged. after 10 years of residence in Austria you can apply for citizenship and Austrian passport. For this you have to proof: income/work contract, fluent german skills, accommodation, health insurance and you have to pass the national skills test.

    you can get more information on - they provide these information in several languages.

    kind regards
    Kornelia Epping

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