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I am able to help any person or international commercial corporate who are interested to come to the sultanate of Oman, and be their local sponsor or partner because I believe Oman has wide opportunities in commercial, industrial and tourism sector. I will be able to provide them with the guidance regarding legalities and rules and regulations.
Why should you establish business in Oman?
Oman offer numbers incentives to encouragement:
• Highly developed infrastructure and communication.
• Availability of excellent corporate support and local and international partnerships.
• International ports (Port Sultan Qaboos – tourist port, Salalah Port – one of the largest transshipment port in the Middle East and Sohar Port).
• Fast and easy access to emerging markets in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
•Professional schools and colleges, and excellent health care.
• Tourist attractions: Unique and varied tourist attractions which qualify Oman for a distinct position on the international tourism map.
• supportive Laws: Legislative environment, which is continuously developing .
• Infrastructure: Solid tourism infrastructure, with continuous development in line with established international standards.
• Tax: Low tax on profits and no personal income tax. Flexible tax system allowing exemption on profits of foreign investment projects for 5 years .
• Profits:No restrictions on repatriation of imported capital and profits.
Therefore All the facts are available to come to Oman,
waiting for some replies and Best of luck.
contact me on
0096895528184 (whats-app)