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Are Germans rude??

Posted in Germany forum

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • generation human

    posted by Deleted user in Germany forum 

    2 second German generation
    When we want to talk about this, than I have to tell you first there was not 5 continent. Therefore I would say we are all humans from the same land, which just broke down into more areas. So no Germans, no American, no Franch, no no
    ALL HUMANS form the same land
    Maybe you are have also German forefather. My forefathers are humans and it is not important for me from where there come, because in the past we were the same.
    And I understand that you are married with a German woman and probably she would be polite and not rude liek so many Germans.
    And just because I am honest and direct, I am not one of the person which do not say hello to you or would help you when I could.
    You think to much about where people come from, this is not important and just bad stereotypes.
    I do not like techno. I am a bad German therefore?
    No because that are just stereotypes from other persons.

  • Go to John Lovejoy's profile

    posted by  in Germany forum 

    But Robert Blum was arrested and executed, marking the end and failure of the revolution toward democracy.
    Oppenheimer after the development of “ the bomb” came to have grave reservation about its implications as did several other scientists involved.
    And ended up being ostracized in the later part of his life and career for voicing those concerns.

    Personally I have a nuanced view, both positive and negative on the dropping of the bomb on Japan.
    But would be OT.

    However my heart, condolences and deep empathy goes out to the people of Japan.
    It is incredibly sad what they have had to endure in the past few days and just don't seam to be able to catch a break.
    We’re all Japanese today.
    Anybody else has that feeling that we’re living in a ongoing disaster movie in the past decade?

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    posted by  John Lovejoy in Germany forum 

    @Anna Hansen
    First of all, no discrimination not everywhere, not even by a long shot.
    2nd it’s a question of degree, frequency and cultural acceptability which varies greatly from nation to nation.
    3rd no reasonable person would ever claim “Every German…., as this would be a racist statement within it’s self.

    Just so, one can also be directly rude.
    Directness does not guard against rudeness, neither is it as excuse for it.
    It’s quite easy to be direct, polite, friendly and helpful at the same time.

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    I think discrimination is everywhere. I do not like it but it is.
    We can speak about the womens, the black people (sorry for that), religion, ...
    I do not like this stereotypes and I am sorry but I have good experience with Germans. At the moment I am in Spain and no one said to me you are unpolite. They are open for me and do not think about where I coming from.
    why he is married with a German woman? when everything is so awful. It could not be so hard. Sorry but I do not think that every German is rude and a racist.
    My picture from me is not like this who you write. I am not rude, I am direct but not rude

  • Go to John Lovejoy's profile

    your post to G.M.

    posted by  John Lovejoy in Germany forum 

    @ Anna Hansen
    Easy there Anna, G.M. told a harmless joke about mustache styles you just didn’t get it. There was no accusation in there whatsoever.
    Let’s not get too up tight here.
    Furthermore, I have read his posts and he didn’t say anything of the sort as in “Every German….neither did he imply.
    In many post he was also rather complimentary about Germany
    G. M is merely sharing his experiences here and they are not unique, but in fact a common dilemma.
    The German employment process and protocol is extremely complicated and if you from somewhere and not used to this can also feel demeaning.
    Perspective please.

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    Do not tell something about Hitler. I hate him. What he has done was really.....
    But he was not a German, he was Austrian. (That do not do it better)
    But please I do not accept racism. not to everybody. We are all humans and it is not important where ever you come from.
    Plaese accept that there are different people in every country. we are all individual.
    At the moment you are also racism because you say every German is .....
    The American bowled atomic bomb. And therefore I do not criticise you, so please no Hitler

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    thank you for your long answer.
    I mentioned the Poles because they are the people I know most about apart from Germans, having been married to a Polish woman for 10 years, so yeah, of course they rock.
    We also had many Poles for neighbours when we lived in Münster, and I can totally second your experiences.
    And yes, Germans do not do that. Just as they don´t do the smiling thing. But my point is, different cultural habits don´t mean basic rudeness.
    You know, if you invited your neighbour over to a party with you and your Polish neighbours, you might be surprised, pleasantly I mean.

    You see John, you have one big advantage: you can use your American friendliness there to full advantage. And always remember: being stony-faced is the default mode for Germans, it really doesn´t mean anything.

    Oh, and finally there are huge regional differences. I, for example, currently live in the Rhineland where people are, by German standards, very outgoing. I see from your profile that you live in Bavaria, might I ask if you are in a big city or in a village??

    And about making our lives more complicated than it needs to be: yeah, that is propably true sometimes.

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    posted by  John Lovejoy in Germany forum 

    That was perfectly senseless.
    You sleep well to.

  • Go to John Lovejoy's profile


    posted by  John Lovejoy in Germany forum 

    Of course not, don’t be ridicules.
    Neither is the practice reserved for foreigners only.

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    posted by  in Germany forum 

    @ Oliver H.
    That’s too funny
    So is that why they spy on you from behind the curtains, peek through your windows and dig through your garbage at night?
    More like pretending not to be interested.

    Why not just come right out if you have question?
    I don’t bite. :))

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