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Posted in Norway forum

hi, any girl interest to get work for 4 months, as home keeper
must be between 23-35

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  • Go to Jessie Mc Donald's profile

    posted by  in Norway forum 

    I just joined this website in order to reply to this shocking example of discrimination.
    I don't know what the laws are like in Norway, but where i come from, EQUALITY legislation forbids adverts that discriminate against a person for being younger or older, for being male or female where the job can be done by both sexes, etc.
    I find it very, very strange, that you cannot be even considered as a home keeper if you are under 23 or over 35 years of age!
    Is it really a home keeper you are looking for, Nezar?

  • Go to EMMANUEL NWANKWO's profile

    posted by  in Norway forum 


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