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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

Posted in Switzerland forum

Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • Steph Lladwod

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    wow some of you guys are missing the point of this forum completely! This is about why it is so difficult to meet people in Switzerland. Pointing out problems in other countries does not at all apply! Its as if you are taking offence to the reality of how difficult it really is to make friends in Switzerland. Whether its racism or simply the fact that people are so private or whatever, you are wasting your time comparing this to Holland or America.
    As well, your opionions are useless if you haven'T actually spent a considerable amount of time in Switzerland attempting to make friends! I no longer see a point in being a member in this forum it is so uncommon for someone to reply with some positive feedback about how it might be easier to make friends in Switzerland. I thank the few people who have actually done some research and for those people who have spent some time there and posted about their experiences. I think the topic is over with by now!

  • Go to Jim Jackson's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum

    Racism is a reality in Switzerland.

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    and do you know anything about dutch politics?? do you know geert wilders? i bet not, but you have to look him up, he's a dutch politician who made a movie about his opinion about the islam, fitna is it called you should watch it! then you'll see it's not so bad in switzerland, because his politic group had won the previous elections, so that says something about the dutch people too no?? you can find his movie on youtube : geert wilders: fitna he is the new hitler!

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    you're acting like it's only in switzerland that they are racist, that's but that's not true! i bet it's all over europe! also here in Belgium, my friend he's parents are turkish, and he was born here, so he's like belgian with turkish roots, and he applied for a job here, he called first and the guy said yeah you can come and work here! and when he went he said like oh i didn't know that you were turkish, and then he said he had to take his criminal record with him the next day, that's so racist too! and here you have politic groups who hang up the ads like against the minarette's too, not the same but it goes like: own people first, blablabla but hey what are you going to do about it? it's a free democratic country where you can say what you want! and they only represent a small part of the flemish people! but if you drive around here and see it you would think everybody is like that, but that's seriously not the case, and i bet it's the same in switzerland! because last time when i went there i was walking around and my girlfriend showed me the ad about the criminal foreigners and they were saying it was wrong to hang it up like that. i bet it's in every country! so stop nagging about it

  • Go to Jim Jackson's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum

    You will see how bad it is for Turkish and muslim people and OF COURSE everybody else.

  • Go to Jim Jackson's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    European NGOs condemn Swiss referendum on foreigners 29 Nov 2010 22:22 GMT
    ... 29 (KUNA) -- The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) expressed here Monday serious concern over ... Monday serious concern over a referendum in Switzerland on Sunday in favour of the automatic ... and discriminatory campaign launched by the populist Swiss People's Party, making dangerous amalgams between immigration ...
    Any comments from the Swiss????

  • Go to Jim Jackson's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Council of Europe attacks racism in Switzerland
    Racism is widespread in Switzerland, despite authorities' continuing efforts to end discrimination, a Council of Europe commission has found.
    A report highlights problems of direct racial discrimination in gaining access to employment, housing, goods and services. The victims are mainly Muslims and originate from the Balkans, Turkey and Africa.

    The findings published on Tuesday in a report compiled by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), chart the progress made by Switzerland in implementing recommendations for action in curbing racism made in 2004.

    Anti-racism bodies within Switzerland mainly agreed with the findings, but the report was lambasted by the rightwing Swiss People's Party, which was singled out for criticism for promoting racist generalisations.

    On the plus side, the ECRI noted that various measures had been taken to foster the integration of immigrants in areas such as employment, housing and health. State bodies for anti-racism and migration had continued to raise awareness of racism and racial discrimination and steps had been taken to combat rightwing extremism.

    However, it noted there had been a dangerous growth of racist political discourse against foreign nationals, Muslims, blacks and other minorities. The ECRI found the Swiss People's Party to be part of the problem, saying the party had taken on a "racist and xenophobic tone" in recent years, leading to racist generalisations.

    "Repeated attacks by Swiss People's Party members against foreigners' fundamental rights and against the prohibition of racism and xenophobia have created a deep sense of unease in Swiss society generally and especially in minority communities," the report said.

    Immigrant children have disadvantages in education, some Swiss media have reinforced racist stereotypes, and neo-Nazi and far-right groups have been active in the country.

    Finally, the report said legislation had not been adequately developed to deal with direct racial discrimination.

    " There is a need for further campaigns to sensitise the public to various aspects of racism and discrimination that still persists. "
    Michael Chiller-Glaus, Swiss foundation against racism and anti-Semitism
    Constructive criticism
    It recommended more training in anti-racism laws for police and judges and better resources for anti-discrimination bodies. Swiss authorities should also step up efforts to combat racism in public discourse and review the effectiveness of their integration measures.

    The Federal Commission against Racism said it shared the report's criticism of the "vilification" of immigrants and religious minorities as well as the lack of protection from discrimination. The commission said it too had observed that migrant groups were attacked during political campaigns and xenophobic speeches had been tolerated.

    The commission added that it would publish its own recommendations into toughening laws against discrimination later this year.

    Michael Chiller-Glaus of the non-governmental foundation against racism and anti-Semitism told the report was "fair and balanced" and contained "constructive criticism", but it showed Switzerland still had some way to go to counter racism.

    "The report rightly notes that progress has been made in reducing racism in Switzerland. Nevertheless, there is a need for further campaigns to sensitise the public to various aspects of racism and discrimination that still persists."

    "Public funds to finance such campaigns have noticeably been reduced in recent years, as has been the support for efficient non-governmental organisations tackling racism. This is an objectionable development playing into the hands of the political rightwing mentioned in the report."

    " Public opinion is so poisoned by this dialogue that asylum and refugees are a problem, that it is very difficult to get away from this. "
    Susanna Bolz, Swiss Refugee Council
    International interference?
    The Swiss People's Party responded saying the report was flawed as it had misunderstood its policies, which were not against foreigners per se but rather foreign criminals and those who refused to follow Swiss laws.

    "We understand: it is easier to blame the People's Party for alleged xenophobia than to reflect the real issue of foreign criminals," the party said in a statement. It called on the government to reject such "interference" in Switzerland's internal affairs.

    "International organisations, spurred on by the Swiss political left, regularly criticise us."

    The Swiss Refugee Council agreed with the report overall and told the government needed to improve communication about its asylum policies before public opinion and discrimination could change.

    "Public opinion is so poisoned by this dialogue that asylum and refugees are a problem that it is very difficult to get away from this. You need to start again with a totally new communication. If you want to stop asylum seekers being seen as a problem then you need to communicate in a totally different way, you need to show positive examples of integration," said the Council's Susanna Bolz.

    Jessica Dacey,

  • Eleonora D

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    It's so amazing that some one like you, takes some time and effort to cheer all those people who are home and friends sick and so in need of a warm conversation.
    It's just so hard for some people to understand how difficult is to be away from your comfort zone, your loved once (no mater how old are you) and loosen up towards foreigners:( , who are trying a new things @ a new places...
    I completely agree with you...with no delay , PLEASE start a country language and get involved in a community life, not just look for a friends from your own country!!!
    Thanks again!

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Hi Roger,

    First of all I want you to understand that I have nothing against you, as I strongly believe that yo also reject this kind of initiatives and political agenda...

    The most annoying point is that SVP/UDC always use subjects that will automatically grant them success! Minaret and the danger of Islam, criminal foreigners, abuse of social welfare by foreigners and so on... It's logical that people will vote for these initiatives as their fears are being targeted! The problem is that all their campaigns are targeting immigration and foreigners, and the more they target immigrants the more Swiss people will become xenophobic an racist. It's a kind of long term brainwashing and the Swiss people are the first victims of such initiatives! They are being sheeted by these parties and their fake statistics... In fact many foreign criminals are not even residents, or some of them are unknown regarding their origin.

    Roger, you have to be a foreigner to realise how annoying it is the feeling that the foreigners are responsible of all the problems of this country... to me a large majority of foreigners are honest people and they don't deserve such obstinate targeting by ugly racist and xenophobic parties!

    All this will not serve Switzerland's long term interests anyway...

  • Go to Roger B's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Look, point blank, I'm not happy with today's result. However, it's not even half as bleak as you describe it. No one is ever going to be expelled on "suspicion". For all extraditions, a legaly binding verdict needs to be in force. The person being extradited therefore needs to have been charged, found guilty by judge or jury and having gone through all phases of appelation before he is extradited. So no reason for drawing any secanarios of foreigners being thrown out on mere suspicion (and our courts, if I may ad, are not really known for being highly susceptible of political shenanigans or having a Swiss bias). By the way, being extradited as a foreigner if you commit certain crimes is nothing particularly new and has been done already, so it's nothing revolutionary (the US by the way, does it too, as does the UK). The odd thing is that we have it now in our constitution and introduced an automatism (which I'm not sure will be adhered to in the final law that eventually will come out of todays vote).

    I also think, with this vote in particular, you can't say it's a general statement about foreigners living in Switzerland, as it was plain from the beginning that for an extradition a legaly definitve and binding verdict needs to be in force, meaning that it will only apply to convicted criminals. While I think it would have been better to start tightening the criminal code in general and not, as it is now the case, only singling out those not being possession of the Swiss citizenship, I personally can live with the vote as, unlike with the Minaret thing, it really only applies to those that have transgressed the laws by committing crimes and therefore misusing the hospitality of the Swiss. So in principle I'm ok with it, in detail, there remains a lot of things for the parliament to work out, soften and find rules for (for instance expanding the catalouge of crimes foreigners get extradited for such as financial crimes) and I'm comfortable that the end product will be much more moderate than it would now appear (as was the case numerous times before).

    So all is not bleak and I wouldn't see this as a particular anti-foreign statement as it really only applies in certain conditions.

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