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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

Posted in Switzerland forum

Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • Daniel Novo

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    After almost 5 years here I've noticed although lerning German helps (something I've sort of accomplished after around 2 years) to really get them loose around you one must at least understand the Swiss German. In a way I understand it as speaking Hochdeutsch is for them like speaking a foreign language. Some of them not used to speaking high German in a daily basis even freeze-up and regress to the school days as if they were undergoing an examination or something. In fact I have a couple of friends who actually prefer English to high German.

    At the end of the day it is all about the people you meet. Some - not most - might go through considerable lengths to make you feel welcome. But some - not most - will never get over the fact that you're not one of "them". Between them are most Swiss which, if you're lucky enough, you might meet and be friends with.

  • Go to Roger B's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Na, I don't know if you are so spot on characterizing the countryside. As mentioned in my post above, I think being hesitant is kind of a staple for the Swiss (no matter if they are city or village dwellers). Comming from the countryside myself (ok, it's not Aargau but the "Highlands" of Zurich), I'm kind of getting annoyed hearing people (no offense by the way) stating the countryside was less cosmopolitan than the cities. I mean, you can throw a stone in this country and hit one of the "big" cities, everything is in such short distance. My impression is that "city" people tend to rate "villagers" even though they've never lived in the countryside, so it's pure prejudice. But enough lashing out against countryside bias (sorry, I couldn't help myself).

    I don't know in what village you live, but I think generally it could even be easier making friends in a village. Granted, it also depends on how many people live there and what the opportunities for communal activities are. In many mid-sized villages you have for instance the opportunity to join local clubs or participate in festivities.

    The critical aspect here again might be that you won't get too far with English only, so speaking German will help. Albeit most younger Swiss speak English, they're somewhat hesitant to speak it, so learning German is never wrong.

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Shhh! Don't let everyone know.
    Look if you need gossip to entertain your village neighbours then you know where to come. You will soon be living in the most lively place in Switzerland.

  • Go to canuck s's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    this of course coming from the guy who apparently has very close ties with aliens :D :D

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Well I need to discover Switzerland a bit more. Not sure I can pronounce Aargau (I'm trying really hard to learn German) but it sounds interesting to be honest. OMG you could have so much fun where you are spreading gossip and seeing what people do....maybe make up some stories about aliens landing etc. ha ha

  • Go to canuck s's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Well, thus far I haven't heard anything bad about Basel. There seems to be quite a large number of expats In Basel (especially students and also Germans). I live in Aargau, which just so (any Swiss people correct me if I'm wrong) happens to be the "Bünzli" part. I'm trying really hard to crack the village mentality here, but people aren't interested in me unless I got good gossip on the neighbours! :D :D :D

    No, I think if you live in a city you will do fine. I think if everyone tried to be a little more open minded things would work just great. Bad thing is, foreigners have such a bad rep here that the swiss have the negativity ingrained and handed down for generations.
    Here's to cracking the nut that is switzerland!

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Yeah maybe in a couple of years you'll find me putting nasty messages on here ha ha :-) I'm from England and all my foreign friends used to constantly complain about English people being unfriendly so maybe I'm feeling a little sorry for the Swiss being criticized. At the moment I work in Basel but live in Alsace because my wife is French (...and how many times have I heard they're unfriendly? ;-). Hopefully there'll be enough things going on to meet people either side of the border. If you are around this way let me know and we can swap horror stories ;-)

  • Go to canuck s's profile

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    I guess that's where you have to define "new." When do you stop being new in a country? Maybe you'll change your tune after you've been here a few years, and have nothing but one or two fairweather friends as you put it, as a reward for your hard work. I certainly wish you better luck than I've had, and certainly hope you are living in a metro city, which will increase your chances. :)

  • posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Strange to see so much criticism of Swiss people here because you get the same complaints in other countries when it comes to making friends. If you're new in any place it can be difficult to make friends. In some places you get to know people really quickly but it doesn't mean they'll necessarily become true friends ('fair weather friends as they say ;-). If you come across people who are close minded or just plain weird why would you feel you're losing out by them not wanting to be friends?! I'm new here, haven't got too many local friends yet (Swiss or others) but I'm not going to freak out because people aren't falling over themselves to welcome every new person in town.

  • ana lujan

    posted by  in Switzerland forum 

    Reason hello but here you have a friend if you want I am Mexican but I been in zuisa 3 times. and im mexican and this is not problem ok

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