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Are Germans rude??

Publicado en Foro de Alemania

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    actually germans are not always rude ,the keep rules so carefully

  • Ir al perfil de Ron Saxena

    Just an example

    publicado por  Ron Saxena en Foro de Alemania 

    My German is far from perfect. In spite of that, I try to communicate with my German colleagues in German as much as possible. Many times I take awkward pause to find the appropriate word. Most of the time, I apologise for my miserable German. However, I can hold a long conversation without using English words. Recently there was such an incident with a new colleague, to which his comment was "At least your German is better than my Hindi"...

  • Ir al perfil de Big D

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    "my country" "your country"
    see, that's were it already begins. you need to stop associating yourself with "your" country and be a little bit more objective. like i said before. my father is german/french and my mother is cuban. im not associating myself with germany, neither with cuba or france.
    i grew up right by the border with france by the way.
    muslims have been given a bad rep lately, especially due to US media. but you are right. in germany there is animosity towards them as well. and in the netherlands, and in france, and in canada......the list continues.
    miami? ever been to berlin, cologne or frankfurt? there are areas which are under total control of turkish immigrants. alot of people there speak very bad german. turkish businesses everywhere....similar situation.
    do i feel offended? no. i grew up like that. by the way, i never said i hate america. where did i say that?
    i said as an immigrant you have very similar problems in almost every country.
    you are correct. america bashing is very popular right now. just like greece bashing, or german bashing or france bashing....
    by the way, i never had a problem with the german health care system. just got my CPAP machine approved for free. my american coworker had to buy his for $1800.

    "Let me make it simple though: Don't tell someone that Europe is the best place for immigrants and that equal opportunity exists here then act shocked at their reaction when they find out you lied. It causes problems for everyone. Is THAT clear enough?"

    very true statement. but see, that applies to every country. my advice is, lower your expectations. that's what im always doing. with everything. expect the worst and you won't be dissappointed. if you think, this is the land of milk and honey, well of course you will be dissappointed.

    see, if i as a "german" try to work in swizterland or austria i might have to face discrimination as well. because of my nationality or simply the way i speak german. there is a general animosity towards germans and i know that so i expect those things. nothing to be frustated about

  • Joe Bob

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    Time to start living!!! If germans are rude is no correct question... The question: "Why they are rude?" and "Are they right?" were also stupid. Don´t discuss this sad topic. Spread kindness and you will get kindness!!!!

    Some people are stupid as ever and everywhere!!!!

  • Ir al perfil de Big D

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    and that is coming from an american where immigrants clean houses and flip burgers. for 3-5 dollars an hour. very wise. not only that. a social system that is almost a hundred years behind some european countries. talking about "racism". have you heard of the incident at a sikh temple yesterday? this guy thought they were muslims. that was his motive. great hospitality towards other cultures huh? very immigrant friendly and tolerant huh? are you joking? equal opportunity, lol!
    like i said before. as an immigrant you have to face thos issues in ANY country. i remember reading about a german on a forum who was traveling south america and when he was in mexico, he would pick up random jobs to get by and make some money to keep traveling. so when he was in mexico he was working at mc donalds moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. and while he was working he heard his mexican coworkers making remarks about him and how the immigrants are taking their jobs away. experience of a german working in mexico.if germany is not the answer then maybe try russia or your friendly canadians?

  • Tere Boo

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    at least my german boyfriend is sooo cute ♥

  • Ir al perfil de Ron Saxena

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    Unfortunately you have misunderstood the message of the thread. No one claims that every German is rude. I have encountered many polite and kind Germans. However the statically, I believe there are more number of Germans who are rude and harsh that collectively the society looks rude. Furthermore, those people who are of concern for the immigrants (Government officials / Ausländersamt officials) are extremely rude.

  • Gustavo Reis

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    We can't judge anyone without knowing them. Generalising ALL people of one country is an ignorance and a silliness. Of course, there are many bad and good people in everywhere.

    Do you want every German to be perfect? There's no use because nobody is perfect and everybody, including me, has fails. We are human beings and were born with fails, faults and imperfection. The world isn't perfect, is dangerous and is full of wickedness. There's badness in everywhere and there's not a perfect country or place. There's not a place free from badness.

    If a person is rude with you, because he/she didn't receive a good education, or had problems with his/her friends and family.

    I'm Brazilian and I have German friends and they never ill-treated me, we can't judge all people because we're not judges. Who is the judge is only God (forgive me for saying it, Atheists).

    I found a very old thread made by a Brazilian guy, the which saddened really me because he judged ALL Germans were rude and racist, if he judged all they are rude and racists, my German friends are rude and racists too. It's injustice and wrong. Not only him, a German discussed him in that old thread that ALL Brazilians were rude and sucked. IT INCLUDED ME. I was really sad. I couldn't defend myself and argue them that Brazilian guy was wrong and not all the Brazilians were like what that German guy thought because these guys wouldn't hear me. I noticed they weren't mature and well-behaved. There's no use to argue they were wrong and not all people of one right country are like because of their ignorance and silliness.

    If you judge all, you'll be judged, and if you condemn them, you'll be condemned, because for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    I hope you understand it.


  • Laurie Perkins

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    I am sorry. I never said that those who live in Germany were rude. I just think there are some cultural differences. Here in the States, it all depends on what part of the country you are visiting. Because the US is so large we have a vast array of cultural norms and it really depend where you are. I have lived several places in the US. I grew up in California where you really didn't talk to people you didn't know. I never considered it to be rude, just the way it was. For example if you needed to borrow a lighter you would not ask a stranger. Then I lived in Texas, and Texans are known for being extremely friendly to all. When I moved there I was shocked and very suspicious because it was pretty routine for strangers to strike up a conversation with one in the grocery store or anywhere. I had to adjust to so much friendliness:-) But as time went on I liked it...but it took time. Then I found myself up North in West Virginia and in Detroit. There people weren't as friendly. The North and South don't always like each other because of the cultural differences. I think the North views the South as a little slow or stupid. The pace up North a bit faster than the pace in the South. Neither is bad, just different.

    I agree in villages and in smaller community that perhaps they are a bit more warm. That is also the case in the US. And for sure no matter where you live you will find some friendly and unfriendly people. I am sorry that those American women were rude. A smile cost nothing and sometimes it means the world to a stranger who is perhaps a bit uncomfortable because of the different surroundings they find themselves in.

    Here in the US military personnel are taught not to smile. My daughter went to boot camp and never was she allowed to smile. So maybe this has something to do with the Post you work on. I don't know. Or like you said, perhaps it is the individuals. I can only speak for myself.

    Unfortunately I have not yet had the pleasure or the honor to visit any other country other than Germany so I can not honestly say how it is in other European countries. I Hope to I get to travel more when I move to Germany. I surely don't go to other places so as to make a list of what is wrong with it. I find everywhere I have been to be interesting. From every experience good or bad, I bring something away that I feel helps me to understand a different part of the world just a little better.

    In Germany I will continue to smile with all who meet my eyes. That is just the way I am. If nothing more they will know that I am a happy person without any ill feeling towards them and I am happy to be a guest in their country.

    Big D, again think you for your thoughts.

  • Ir al perfil de Big D


    publicado por  Big D en Foro de Alemania 

    by the way. im in no way "pro german". i don't associate myself with ANY nationality or culture due to my backround. im trying to be neutral.

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