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Master in Engineering Germany

Publicado en Foro de Alemania

Hi Everybody, First and foremost thank you all for helping me just by one message
i am abdallah , my goal is to complete my studies in germany and study Master there in German university, i already have a master degree in Petroleum engineering, i would like to study another master in POWER ENGINEERING or many other interesting programmes i've seen in websites , How can i start my procedure to achieve my goal . which websites do you suggest .
what do you think about www.DAAD.de ?? ;
Help me pls

  • Ir al perfil de Victor Shaw

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 


  • Ir al perfil de Victor Shaw

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    For detail dear Visit this link

  • Ir al perfil de Frank (confidential)

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    If your foreign degree is recognised in Germany (which you can check in the ANABIN database), then you need to just apply for a place at the university of your choice. Since the formalities differ from school to school, you should contact them and ask. German language skills (B2 level or higher) are requires for most courses.
    Once you have been assigned a place, you apply for your student visa at the German embassy in your country. You will have to show sufficient financial means to survive in Germany, which usually means EUR8600 per year of studies (this is the official minimal survival rate / poverty line).
    Once in Germany, you are allowed to have small side jobs to earn additional pocket money, but you CANNOT finance your whole stay that way!
    Good luck!

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