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Join us tonight! #1 regular table Newcomers in Vienna!

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Just moved here? Looking for people from Vienna with whom you can go for... beer/coffee/shopping -

Let's meet for some drinks and share information, ideas and meet other newcomers in Vienna and make your start in Vienna feel warmhearted and welcoming!

at Piaristengasse 41 in 1080 Vienna
starting at 18:30

kind regards

کاربر حذف شده برو به پروفایل

  • Connor Donohoe برو به پروفایل

    پست شده توسط  در وین فروم 

    I just moved to Austria 3 weeks ago and I am looking to meet new people.I am basically starting a new life here!!If you know about a flat share also it would be great if could tell me.

    Best wishes Connor.

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