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English speaking musical theater play - Pantomime - Aladdin 2012 Château de…

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Hello there,

The Christmas tree has gone, the fireworks are spent and the champagne corks have popped. Cold January weather is coming.
So if you are looking for some lighthearted family entertainment, why not try a British pantomime?

The members of Pirates productions ASBL, a musical-theatre club that has been active for 30 years in Luxembourg, will perform a pantomime in the Château de Bettembourg, from 19th – 22nd and 26th – 29th January, directed by Steve Preston.

Tickets can be booked on their website or by e-mail [...]

The most important thing to know about pantomime is that it is definitely not mime; all of the characters speak and sing. Pantomimes are musical comedies based on a simple plot, often a well-known children's story, and they involve singing and dancing.

They also carry certain conventions and stock characters, for instance the dame is played by a man and the principle boy by a girl, and they feature several evil characters. They include rather silly comedy (often slapstick) and jokes that are generally re-written to include local events or personalities in the community.

The most appealing element of pantomime is that the audience can participate by shouting, hissing and booing during the performance.

For further questions you can also contact me. You are always very welcome to join Pirates Productions.


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