Carolina Orgaz

درباره من

Carolina Orgaz
 Carolina Orgaz
درباره من:
Im just landed in Luxembourg, after finishing my internship in Paris and my studies in Spain. I came here because my boyfriend was already working in here so I decided to shuttle to Luxembourg and to continue with my career in this wonderful country, nowdays Im in the selection process of some companies and I have a lot of free time. I would like to make some friends with more or less the same age than me (20-30) just to make some little trips, to meet up for a coffe/tea and all that kind of stuff. Im a nice girl, positive,flexible, enthusiastic, smiling, very active and easy going. I like sports, music, cinema, shopping, going out and much more.
زندگی در:
زبان ها:
English, French, Spanish
به دنبال:
دوستان, تماسهای کاری
37 سالها


علاقه مندی ها:
Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Dining out, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Biking, Pool/Snooker, Bowling, Skiing, Tennis/Racquet Sports, Volleyball, Walking/Hiking, Yoga, Skating
موزیک مورد علاقه:
Pop, R&B, Techno, Dance, Jazz, Soul, Classical
فیلم های مورد علاقه:
Notting Hill, Babel, Amelie, The Piano, Stardust, Match Point, La vie en Rose, Los abrazos rotos
کتابهای مورد علاقه:
1984 - George Orwell, La Sangre De Los Inocentes, La sombra del viento, El último Catón, The Da Vinci Code, El pequeño Nicolás, The Little Prince, Angela's Ashes, Cathedral of the sea, El origen perdido, El viaje de Teo
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها خوشم میاید:
Meeting new people, discovering new things, places, tastes. Gathering with friends, going out, cinema, travelling...
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها بدم میاید:
I dont hate anything and anybody we must be respetful!
وضعیت ارتباط:
