Krisztian Dóra

درباره من

Krisztian Dóra
 Krisztian Dóra
درباره من:
I come from Hungary in Central-East Europe. I would like to know people all over the world and know their cultures, customs, languages, livings and get friends.
زندگی در:
Northern Hungary (Hungary)
زبان ها:
English, Hungarian
به دنبال:
دوستان, تماسهای کاری
Canada, China, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Northern Hungary


علاقه مندی ها:
hiking, angling, nature and animals, swimming, travelling, ... to meet different people all over the world, to know their thinking and communicate with them. To set up new business and make enterprises more profitable: giving advice how to make a business more profitable - Business Finance and Logistic systems!
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها خوشم میاید:
to be success and make other people to be success. See that people are happy.

حرفه ای

زمینه کاری:
logisctic, webshop (modern informatic technology to sell more products and raise your profit), marke
شغل قبلی:
I was a logistic manager for a long time. I have an economic degree (as on logistic field) too that I got at a famious college. - Logistic systems and transport , - Finance - web-selling (webshop) systems attached to sell your products and raise your business up. AS a selling advisory/consultant I connect the most modern knowledge of informatic technologies, marketing and logistic to make your enterprise more profitable. :-) For example: - to multiple your customs, - to multiple your profit, - how to spread your business all over the world, - cut your costs with modern technology in business life. ... and so on