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Anyone has experience with Tech Technological University?

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What are the different options to study online in Canada and what specializations are offered? Also, I would like to know if anyone has experience with TECH Technological University and if it is a good option to study online in Canada, could you share your experiences or recommendations?

  • Se rendre au profil de euvits camacho

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    I have studied at Tech and I think it is the best online university, you can find the program you need or like, as they have a lot of them, their faculty is of a very good level as well as the contents, it helped me a lot with my CV and in my profession, because of the quality of the study. I recommend them

  • Se rendre au profil de Lyly Diaz

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    For me it has been a great experience both academically and personally. With the course I have learned a lot and I feel that the material is of high quality and is very well understood.
    Another aspect that I really like is that I can manage my time at my convenience, in other places they ask me for fixed schedules, and it is difficult for me, plus it is a great addition to your resume.

  • Se rendre au profil de Juana delgado

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    Excellent attention, a very practical course to be able to apply the contents immediately and adequate materials to be able to choose the degree of deepening interested... I don't regret having chosen this course...

  • Se rendre au profil de Elizabeth Perdo

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    Hello, TECH has multiple faculties and different types of academic programmes, it depends on exactly what type of study you want to do. I recommend you to look at the website, you can search there in more detail.
    In my experience, I recommend it. The programme you choose will always have the latest updates in the area and the most relevant topics.

  • Se rendre au profil de Elizabeth Perdo

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    Hello, TECH has a diversity of programs, so it's a very good option to study in Canada. What exactly are you looking for to study?
    Their methodology is interesting, the teachers are referents in their sector and each academic program is updated in the latest advances. I recommend you to look for their website and check it to see if it is what you are looking for.

  • Se rendre au profil de Natalia Fonseca

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    Very good university, their masters are excellent and very dynamic.

  • Se rendre au profil de Johnathan Z

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    I have experience and I really recommend that, their courses are very enriching and you always get to learn new things thanks to their methodologies.

  • Se rendre au profil de euvits camacho

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    My experience with Tech is excellent, if you are looking for a specialization this is the best option, they have schools of medicine, languages, business, engineering and an infinity of programs, it is an excellent option to study remotely. I recommend it.

  • Se rendre au profil de Natalia Fonseca

    publié par  dans forum Canada 

    Excellent university, I recently took a master with them and I really learned a lot with their courses, they are very good and of excellent quality.

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