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International bank account

Publié dans forum Chine

Hi everyone,

I'm a student and as I'm planning to spend one or more semesters abroad, I'm looking for a bank that offers an account from which I can get money in foreign countries without having to pay for this.
Does anyone of you know a good bank that offers that service??

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  • Bing Liu

    publié par  dans forum Chine 

    Mr.Agostino Moretti
    How are you today?My name is Mr.B.Liu,I live Chengdu China.If you wish to great China, I'm happy with the agreement you a payment account, but shall not be more than US $50000, OK.

  • International bank accoung

    publié par Utilisateur supprimé dans forum Chine 

    This thread already is pretty old, however if anyone is looking for a bank account in Germany you could have a look an online accounts,e.g. 1822direkt or DKB. They are easy to maintain via Internet and mostly without costs. Here is a page that displays different banks and lists their conditions, which can be quite handy:


  • publié par Utilisateur supprimé dans forum Chine 

    Hi Frank! Thanks for your reply!
    I sure will spend one or two semesters in Europe, but at my university they also offer studying in Australia or America!
    So it would be a great thing if I could get money all over the world for free.
    Otherwise I'll try the Citibank for the first time!

  • Frank Wagner

    publié par  dans forum Chine 

    Hi Agostino, it really depends on where you want to go. Within Europe, Citibank is not a bad option as they are operating in most countries. In Germany, Deutsche Post also offers an international savings account from which you can withdraw money for free in most countries. I don't know if you have something similar in in Italy.

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