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If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs

Publié dans forum Portugal

This is to continue to talk about racism in Portugal.

1- I've Studied in a couple of countries including Portugal. Many of my Graduated black colleagues in Portugal, born and raised in Portugal, never have been to Africa where suggested to go "back" to work in Africa;

2- In Portugal, the high amount of black Professionals are to be found in health business because THERE they are needed, since the white Portuguese venture themselves in less intelectually depending business. For the rest of the fields, no blacks to be found in high educational level;

3- Black people in Portugal are to be cleaners, constructors and all "lower" related jobs. You are in a way, forbidden to achieve higher goals since once you've done it, you are no longer welcome in the country. This clearly refects the idea that black people are meant to be low;

4- Yes, Portugal is a Classical country...but look what you've become?

5- While the other imperialists have already apologised for colonialism, Portugal doesn't understand why they did it, simply because Portuguese think they did good in Africa;

6- Before Independence, only the numbers of one hand of Africans were graduated. Today, billions are graduated, schools and universities are numerous in Africa and the list goes on with the improvements that were done. Moreover, today, you find a lot of people like me who DECIDED to venture themselves with their own money to study and work in the world. Me being independent to do that is not well known among the Portuguese since they think that I need their approvement to grow further than what they had "planned" for me.

7- Because of my accent, on the phone, I was told I would do good with my International Masters Degree. But once I asked to meet in person with that such important figure, he asked me if I wasn't thinking of going back to Africa. Another episode was when I approached my Professor to ask him to intervene in my favor as to find a suitable job according to my International Masters. I know that my normal Portuguese colleagues aren't as good as I am in languages, aren't as travelled as I am, don't posess a Masters, can't communicate Internationally as me, and having been a good student myself, having this Professor backing me up, I thought my future was going to be soon. It's been almost 6 months, my Professor is silent. I did send him two mails, to which he answered to one. Last week I sent him another one. DEAR FELLOW PORTUGUESE PEOPLE, do you think he will find me something special since he is a very internationally well known figure?

8- It's very common to companies reply as follows: "we are only employing Africans who want to work for us in Africa".

Now, dear world, how do you put this? I know Portuguese are running to Africa to do as good as I want to do in Portugal.

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    I have just edited on that part before you noticed it.Como não os conhecer!

    Thanks anyway.

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    Moreover...I am not female?...dah!

    Hmmm...maybe I should take it as a means I have guts, right?

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    Your desperation really makes me laugh and sad at the same time!

    So the black people or community have a proper dictation? What kind of books are you reading? You mean, black people in Portugal, in England or in general? So you have black people's dictation as opposed to white people dictation? You must really believe in Black brains/white brains.
    If I was a writer (where one normally tends to live the characters) would you take your analysis back? See how short-sighted you are?

    Imagine how offensive and demotivating it is to me and other black people to see that there are still people who think that our mindsets should be separated in races? You think like white/you think like black. Quite American. Have you lived in South Africa in crucial times?
    People who think like you are apartheiders by nature. Can't I cross the line of black mindset? On what grounds should you stop me? Am I free to read any philosopher I wish or should I stay with Jesus Christ on the baptist version. Can I date white people or should I only date black ones? If I am free to do whatever I want, I will be creative in everything. What kind of artist are you Garcia, damnit?

    PNR is right wing, extremist. Calm down, I have been stating that the Portuguese people are good people, nevertheless they want black people (or should I say us) to look up on them. The stubborn tradition and conservativism. Or are they liberal in your eyes? Perhaps because they stay out till late in the summer...that's being liberal...or because they are not PNR??????????

    Or you are PNR or you are not racist? Man, that concept is not of a person who grew up in England...a country with loads of ways out!

    And I am not Portuguese because I am criticizing the ways in the country? Again, are you really British born and bred? Have you never gotten disappointed or angry about how things were being done in your country or...never heard British people talking disgracefully about their own country? Why should I not talk about what I feel is wrong in my country if there is no more PIDE?

    Look you up whenever in Portugal? Only if we had a third party which would take optimal notes on our views, otherwise it's wothless.

    Mais tarde? Sounds strange...did you google this?

  • jack garcia

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    First, it would appear that you need to calm yourself down before you write. You shouldn't let your rage dictate what your fingers type.

    Now, you are certainly not black because even a rudimentary evaluation of your grammatical structure and syntax clearly shows you have not the poetic diction that clearly resonates with each sentence uttered by any member of the black community. Through your comments, it is quite clearly observed that you disassociate yourself from the black community. So, yes- very clearly you are white; lily white. As for your gender, it is highly doubtful that you are a female. As for Portugal being your country of origin- no, it clearly is not. As to your being Portuguese (And, readers, I'm stifling my laughter, here!) No, you most certainly are not Portuguese.

    With each comment that your elbow types on your keyboard, we may observe very clear racist comments.

    As to the Portuguese attitude towards the black community -unless you are a member of PNR - then, the attitude is extremely good.

    As to the white man having the last word: any one with a whit of intelligence knows that there is no such thing as the last word.

    As to your bearing the flag of Portugal in your profile: for shame. The Portuguese respect their flag- as do all true patriots.

    Finally, to re-iterate (A real word) You are not black, you are not Portuguese, it is doubtful you are, in fact, female (Somebody please check the label on the test-tube).

    Please, though, feel free to look me up if ever you come to Portugal - and, don't worry: we like white people too! Mais tarde!

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    Garcia, cheap words are those of yours.
    I lived in Portugal for more than 15 years...and I'm Portuguese. Get your glasses! One more time, terrible judgement that one of yours. Quit trying to activate a sixth sense in you...there isn't one.

    If I had to recommend you books, they would have to include not only of history but some psychology because your inner ivestment is not doing its job properly.

    What would make me a black person? Perhaps shutting my mouth up on your kind words because black people do recognise white men must have the last word? Or should I be more humble and ask for forgiveness because according to your manipulation I am being racist and all.
    Man, I've heard a lot of arguments, on this topic. You actually have no argument but to display your egocentric feeling on this. Portuguese treat you good, Portuguese treat black people like their inferiors...coming most of the time in paternalistic frame. How kind is that? I'm sick of smelling Portuguese armpit due to so many kind hugs. It's really touching.

    And...I don't want to sound arrogant here, I sound too smart to look like those blacks from Algarve? Why do I have to be white? What's the point in suggesting this over and over again?
    If I do sound arrogant...poor me!

    PS: Your first question- it means claim as for claiming a right. But I think it can also be used in English. If you insist on asking me what it is...I'll google it for you. Anyway, you should know what "reivindicar" is by now...since your name is GARCIA and you have been living in Portugal for some years now. Learn the language, for Christ sake!

  • jack garcia

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    I have no idea what 'reivindicating' means! I can only give you this advice: Before blabbering on about black men, rights and the such- try living in Portugal! Words come cheap, but yours are merely bargain basement cast-offs..... And, if you claim to be black, I'll state this quite clearly: you most certainly are NOT black. That much I can tell you- and other readers- for sure. Hang your head in shame, buy a book on sociology (Haralambos) and stop re-gurgitating tripe. If I want tripe- I'll visit a butcher's! You are about as black as the sun!

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    I have always written "exotic" on my posts instead of exotic. Forgive me to have forgotten to write "Island" instead of "Island".

    Look, far from me to try play Angela Davis or anyone of her sort for the history is quite different.
    I am demanding rights as an immigrant, just like foreighners did in the 60's and 70's in your country, in France, the Netherlands, etc-and still do because dynamics so demand- and because the Constitution grands me the right to do so. I'm not fighting for a right to be implemented...that's a major difference. So hold your horses and take the chance to rethink your speech.

    From your posts, it's clear that you understand zero of what's going on, instead, you choose to gather a patterned rhetoric rather applicable in some other places. Your words do not apply here. The Portuguese, are leaving for Africa and Brasil on this crisis as well you know? They don't only go there with high qualifications, but also work as builders just like Africans do in Portugal, but they are not limited to that, they also work in offices, like any other qualified African. This is what I am reivindicating on this forum. What do you know about this? You are coming in here with your probably constant speech on matters of discrimination. They are totally displaced here because I'm not about "black power" but about black people having jobs for what they are qualified. The reason why they don't is because the Portuguese are racist, always have been and this applies to before 2008. Crisis to justify this? Don't make anybody laugh please, because this is a serious matter!

    I'm flattered to hear that there are dictionaries containing the words I use regardless of the nature of its content. The truth of the matter is that I am speaking from a directly victimised skin. I'm black with no white ancestor.

    I hope you are not lost in Algarve...I hope it's not your last hope in life.

  • jack garcia

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    You seem to have quite a few prejudices, do you not. You have, now, denigrated your comments to the negative comparism of races. It is unclear to me from whence comes your vast reservoir of misconceptions- not only concerning Portugal but other countries too. In your prior statements you even referred to the Algarve as 'an exotic island'. It's unclear to me as to which 'Algarve' your reference appertains. It is clear to me, however, that the 'Algarve', wherein I reside, is not an island- however, perhaps on your planet- planet Crackpot- it is an island.

    It is my assertation that you are merely taking advantage of the long history of struggle which black communities have had to endure- and, still, endure - as a podium to seek attention and establish yourself as a loquacious adherent of rational debate. However, your words are merely that of the sophist garbled by the literary dredges of aspiring, middle-class buffoonery.

    Lastly, stop trying to think black. You're not black. You try to evaluate black recognition with the same words found in the dictionary of white supremacy. I cannot even conceive of the black man's long history of suffering counterpoised in such a world as this. From what I have observed here in the Algarve and other countries is that the black man does not judge himself by the standards of the white man - fortunately.

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    Hmmm... you know Portugal?????!
    They are not published authors are they? Anyway, I'm really going to spare you on the research. I'm talking about money makers indeed.

  • Se rendre au profil de Belinda Angelino

    publié par  dans forum Portugal 

    Is naturally beautiful. Where did I state otherwise?
    Wonderful food, oh the people, as nice as the British, better than the French from Paris or..maybe (just maybe) in general, not so loud as the Spanish. I hope you all know this already! Not documented, like real studies, but, we kinda get it!

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