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Immigration and visa advice

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As someone working in an immigration lawyer firm, I'm here for anyone needing immigration and visa advice, and I'm happy to answer questions on this forum, plus any other related to South Africa or Cape Town.

Looking forward to getting involved and helping people out!

  • Menj Nat Schaf profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    hi my husband is South African i'm UK citizen been married 6years . we are moving back to SA next year.
    can i apply for permanent residency or can u advise me what to apply for ??

    have 3 children with UK passports will i need to apply for SA passports before we leave uk??

    Appreciate any help or advise


  • Menj Mark Chamberlain profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Hi Jess,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I saw it on the web somewhere (12m R I think it said, which is about $1.3 USD). Maybe it was old info.

    I'll drop you a note on your web site.

    Thanks again,


  • Jess Green

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Hi Mark

    I'm not sure where you get the $1,3million figure from. The amount is far less per person. Also, you are permitted to work on a Retired Person's Permit.

    Contact me for further information via our website.


  • Menj Mark Chamberlain profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 


    My better half and I (not married) are both US citizens (I am also a British citizen, duel citizenship) and we are considering a move to SA for early retirement (we are in our late 40’s). We can show significant assets to live on, but not quite the (approx) $1.3m USD required for the retirement visa. It would also be good if we could work part time if we wanted just to keep us from getting bored, but that is less important as we do quite well with investments.

    Just wondering what our options are as far as visas if there are any?

    Thanks in advance for your help,


  • Jess Green

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Hi Tiziana

    You cannot apply for citizenship until you have permanent residency for 5 years, and to get permanent residency is also after living in SA for 5 years.


  • Menj Tiziana Nazer profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Thanks Jess! I will try to be patient. One last question - can I apply for South African citizenship from within the country while on a visitor/tourist Visa? .... and does your company deal with that?

  • Jess Green

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Hi Tiziana

    You have to have a work permit before working legally in South Africa. I'm sure if you apply in your country of residence, that you will receive your permit in time.


  • Menj Tiziana Nazer profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Hi Jess,
    I have been thinking of relocating for a while now, but the immigration side has proved tedious. I have managed to secure a job offer, but they want me to get here within 2 months, or I lose it. Is there any way to come in on a temporary type of permit/work permit/ attachment (I'm over 25 though), to at least start my new job and then continue with immigration afterwards? Any help appreciated! Thanks!

  • Jess Green

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    This is not a South African immigration question - I can't help you.

  • may rabin

    hozzászóló:  itt Dél-Afrika fórum 

    Hello I need your advice.
    I am a South African citizen living and working in Oman in the MIddle East. I want to visit Canada in August but there is no consulate or embassy here in Oman. The closest Canadian embassy is in Riyaad in Saudi Arabia and I am reluctant to send my passport there. Do you have any advise regarding a means to obtain a tourist's visa to visit Canada.
    I plan to be home in Cape Town for three weeks in July. Should I make the trip to Pretoria to apply in person?
    Thanks for any information or advice.
