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What are the top fashion schools in Dubai?

Diposting di forum Dubai

Hello, my husband and I are planning on moving to Dubai, UAE next year or two years from now. I'll be done with school in May 2010, earning my associate of applied science degree in Fashion Design. I'm so exciting about moving to Dubai, and was wondering what is the best fashion school in Dubai that is for international student. My husband and I are from USA.

Thanks, also how much does a typical fashion school cost in Dubai? I hope the fashion school will cost less than 30,000 usd.

Also my husband grew up in Al Ain in Dubai, and speak their language. He's orginally from Lebanon.

Another question, will my credits from my previous school be transferable? I want to have a BA in fashion design in Dubai.

Pergi ke profil Pengguna yang sudah dihapus

  • Pergi ke profil ella 01

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    There are many fashion schools in Dubai. Dubai is growing day by day and it is very good if some one wants to study in Dubai. This forum become old but my post will be helpful for others. You can also join modelling agencies in dubai. Formul’A Academy, Esmod Dubai, London College of Fashion courses in Dubai,Dubai Medical College for Girls.
    There are also many fashion schools. Try in these first.

  • Pergi ke profil Rozi eeeeeDesouza

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    no i have not information about that which you have asked but like to know........

  • Pergi ke profil oloyede jamiu

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 

    My name is oloyede Jamiu opeyemi.Am a university graduate in biochemstry. pls i need ur help abt unversities offering masters in biotechnology in dubai.
    My email is [...]


  • diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 


    to my knowledge, there is only one good school this is the french fashion university esmod in academic city, I have heard a lot of good comment about it.


  • Pergi ke profil mm dubai

    diposting oleh  di forum Dubai 


    Firstly, Dubai is not a country!! Dubai is one of the seven emirates of UAE (country) and Al Ain is part of UAE not Dubai.

    Check the link, you will find some British, American, Indian unis; choose the one you like :).

    hope it helps.

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