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What sights should I see when in Seoul?

Pubblicato in Corea del Sud forum

I'll be in Seoul, South Korea for 5 days. There's a ton to do there and I don't know where to start. What would you recommend?

  • Vai al profilo di Tien Nguyen

    pubblicato da  in Corea del Sud forum  

    You should go to Nanta Theater first :)

    It’s a story of 4 chefs preparing for a wedding reception, this non-verbal show is a big “WOW!” with its captivating drumming and comic hilarity. Though officially billed as a non-vocal show, however there was a small use of Korean, Japanese and English throughout. This is what you get when you cross STOMP with the set of a Korean kitchen - Nanta sees its chef protaganists energetically turning all kinds of items – broomsticks, pots and pans, dishes, knives and even each other – into percussion instruments while cooking.

    They engage the audience and overall it’s an entertaining show, so if you head to Seoul you MUST check out Nanta! Playing with your food takes on a new meaning. |

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