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Learning Afrikaans

Pubblicato in Sud Africa forum

I am the founder and director of Africhance Tutors. We teach Afrikaans to anyone who wants to learn it, but most of our clients are surprisingly tourists or immigrants. I find this extremely exciting and inspiring but it made me wonder... in what other ways do people moving to South Africa actually learn Afrikaans if they don't make use of a private tutor?!? I would very much like to hear from you if you have gone through this process before. Did you make use of self-help books, CD's, friends, websites? Did you find it challenging?

Also, we currently offer one-on-one, custom designed Afrikaans lessons and lesson times are made to fit our clients' schedules, but we are actually thinking of starting Workshops. What do you guys think? Could that work and do you know of anyone or would you be interested in something like that?

Wat dink julle?

  • Jane Theycalme

    pubblicato da  in Sud Africa forum  

    Sorry Jackie that I did not get back to you on this channel sooner, but you've finally reached me anyway! Just browsed through all my bookmarks - and goodness, I've accumulated so many - so that's why I've now found this site again. But I'm glad you found me first. Thank you very much. I'll give you credit in my latest blog post. :-)

    Alles van die beste!


  • Vai al profilo di Africhance Tutors

    pubblicato da  in Sud Africa forum  

    Hi Jane!

    Thank you for your message! I have spent the entire morning reading your blog and watching the videos and I would like to make contact with you. I have commented on a number of your posts on the blog, but they don't seem to appear there. What is you email address?


  • Jane Theycalme

    pubblicato da  in Sud Africa forum  

    I have got a history of language learning and have started teaching myself Afrikaans very recently. In the process I looked at how others teach themselves languages and there are plenty of ways to do it. I am using sources that are spread all over the internet and share them in my blog, trying to bring in some self-developed structural approach.

    I am currently looking at everything that can be done for free and does not require any particular commitment by a second party. Not that I wouldn't be happy to do so for language learning in general, but the circumstances are such that I am forced to rely on free sources for the time being and Afrikaans is really a choice of passion, rather than of necessity. I have to save my money for the necessities at the moment.

    Feel free to have a look and see if

  • Vai al profilo di South African

    pubblicato da  in Sud Africa forum  

    Other ways they can learn afrikaans is via the internet. Whenever the question arises about where to learn Afrikaans, I always see the website (redirects to another site) mentioned. I've browsed it and it seems good, although I haven't really studied it indepth.

    Eendag.TV ( seems like a very recent startup site, hosting an Afrikaans webseries called "Eendag". Seems cool to me from what I can tell so far, although the Afrikaans on there seems to be their own brand. Not quite as you hear it in Pretoria for example :)

    Probably not everybody's cup of tea, but I like it.

  • xkimo king

    pubblicato da  in Sud Africa forum  

    yo is great does cos i wanna learn too so how i learn cos rright now am at ghn

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