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Discrimination and Racism in the Netherlands

게시된 위치 네덜란드 공개토론

After reading an article this morning, I needed to get input from people actually living in the area. The article was discussing European countries and Anti Islamic sentiment. In the article in mentioned a political group in the netherlands that was in the same neo nazi mind set that a ethnic group should be set apart and monitared. I became very disheartened because we've been considering a move to the Netherlands for a long time. We are fed up with U.S. government and culture, and one of our biggest issues is the ignorance and intolerance to different culture and religion. So my question is how often do you honestly come across this kind of social ignorance in day to day life, and how much is it a part of the politics of the day??

삭제된 사용자의 프로프필로 이동

  • topic of discussion

    게시한 사람 삭제된 사용자 속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    checking to see if you got my message? cause did not get to shut down leaving the restuarant.

  • 게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    interesting topic, just shows you don't know what goes on behind closed doors.or what each individual is facing being in a new country.

  • Ton Bakker

    게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    Polical refugee or not, it is no excuse for criminalty.We had a muslim State Secretary,Muslim mayor in Rotterdam,Muslim attorneys and lawyers.
    You CLAIM you know about subsurface discrimination, because you heard from SOME muslim friends.Where do they live.

    Since when are you in Holland, and why don't you speak Dutch on a Dutch forum.I don't see any postings of you in Dutch.

    Discrimination is against Dutch National Law,but it works of course 2 way.
    If religion has some rules, people can choose to obbey those rules or not. You can make efforts to give women with a religion,to participate more in society, but you can't force them.[except fe with particpating in the Intergration Course, because they are obliged to by law]
    .That is freedom of religion, wether you like it or not.How can anyone proof a marriage is arranged.
    It is very simple to make comments on Holland, but since you are part of the community, feel free to go to a muslim family, and talk to them, about what you think.

  • Mercury Olympus의 프로프필로 이동

    discrimination - Alice in the wonderland according to Tom Bakker

    게시한 사람  Mercury Olympus 속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    First of all Mr Tom. Before you might talk about cubans you shall learn a little bit history of Cuba. If that the case you haven learnt right. Cuban are U.S Politcal refugees. As a matter of fact They are entitled to residence permit for good as soon as foot U.S. Concerning Cuban criminality you unrealistic approach is quite far from reality. Cubans in U.S are the first minority who has more senators and CEO than the rest of minorities in U.S. Perhaps you are living in fairly tale world. I really advise to learn more about Cubans in U.S.A. Criminality is in every minority the difference lies whether the all minority goes forward or they are trap in their religion.

    Dutch people do mind when you are Muslim .Many Muslim friends had had problems whenever they had told someone in holland , i am muslim, i believe in the koran. The discrimination inn holland is bellow the sourface. it is not obvious like some other countries. Just think on this how in liberal country as holland you will tollerate discrimantion against women, how would you allow arrange marriages in holland as koran says, how would you allow that women shall be destined to home. Thats why dutch people says ok, we accept but far away from us.

  • Ton Bakker

    게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    @Hades; means underworld.Good name!You know in the USA there are many problems with Cubans,mainly in the south,and Mexicans.Can you say than it is a national problem
    If I tell everybody that people of one group are garbish, and criminals, it could spread.Because many people dont look further and investigate the truth of a story.
    Example; A dutch boy was killed by a Dutch 'friend'' with a knife. 42 times he was stuck.
    For a resaon of no importance; they were playing an occult game, called moving glasses. And the "friend"was afraid the killed boy would tell it in the village, a very Christian village.And the last year we had some very tragic stories of mothers who killed her justborn babies and either kept the bodies op the attic of her house or burried them in the garden.
    1) are Dutch Christian boys killers?
    2) are Dutch mothers babykillers?

    I HOPE you'll experience that Dutch are still very open to foreigners, no matter the country, the colour or the believe.With respect for their way of live, even if we don't agree with their customs.
    Holland always was , and IS a country that welcomes foreigners, already ages ago, f.e. since the battle between French protestants and katholics, 400 yr ago, many protestants came to NL, the Huguenotes.

    I hope you all believe a born , autochtone Dutchy, when I say that , despite the ethnic or youthproblems, Holland is a meltingpot of cultures, and we are happy with it.And with that I want to close this never ending argument.

  • Ton Bakker

    게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    Hi Samantha, welcome to Holland.DON'T believe everything, you'll experience yourself , that Holland is a great place to live.Hope you'll find many friends soon.( I have read your call for people to meet,lol)

  • 게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    what an interesting article to read about the different views of things happenning in holland.

  • Ton Bakker

    게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    As I pointed out, or tried to, problems with criminality is FOCUSSED on Moroccan youngsters, and if you want to believe some newspapers, it is a national problem.It's not, in most parts of NL.Yes in the bigger cities, it is a problem, because also of the concentration of nationalities.Which form groups, and those groups could turn to criminal behaviour.
    I never have seen or read about special problems with Moroccan [or other nationality],youngsters in our city, not more than with Dutch youngsters.

    About the muslim girl and wives, yes that is a integration problem, and a matter of traditional living , and practicing the believe. But there are also many Muslims , that are westernised.
    Perhaps the people you speak to, are from the regions with problems, or only know what they read in a newspaper, or on tv.
    It doesn't bother me if the caissiere in the supermarket is wearing a shawl on her hair, it is her choise. I also know Dutch women who choose to be muslim, so what.
    You make the problem bigger than it is, and I live in NL for 57 years....
    I have friends of different believes and nationalities, from muslim to buddist, from Moroccan, Turkish,Nigerian, Chinese,European .
    Perhaps you should look around better, all around NL.
    Or across the border.

  • Mercury Olympus의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    Tom Bakker , your approach is pretty unrealistic i will invite you to go hear what the dutch people say secretely when foreigners are not around about muslims. Dutch people are opened mind to immigration except muslims. This is based on stats concerning the criminal popolation in holland, most of them are muslim from second generation. The Dutch goverment is paying a lot for it. Some neighbourhoods in Amsterdam and Rotterdam are muslim guettos where you can only hear their language and not dutch. Over there you have rates of criminality and vandalizing. Why this particular group after being brought up in holland with all the good education from this country have done so. Can you explain me? Why muslim women are not allow to go out to work everinthing come to one point religium. I have good muslim friend and classmates but i can not understand many rules they have for women. how would you call that "cultural differences". Why woman according to the koran can not undercover themselves. Many dutch people has confesed this to me. With great sadness and insatisfaction. i have told them i can understand too.

  • Ton Bakker

    게시한 사람  속 네덜란드 공개토론 

    Do you know that the Antilles since this month are just for a little bit 'Dutch', since Curacao, Sint Maarten and Aruba, are separate states in our Kingdom, Saba, ST.Eustatius and Bonaire 'special cities'within the Kingdom.Using US Dollar as currency.The other 3 will use the new Caribean Gulden,instead of the Antillian Gulden.A bit comparable with Britsh Commonwealt.
    They still have Dutch nationality, and can vote at European elections.
    About Dutch football; there are more foreigners playing in the Eredivisie , than Dutch,and by Dutch I mean everyone with Dutch passport.
    If you look at footbaal, you'll see it doesn't maater where you come from, you're part of the team.
    And the same with all people in NL, you belong to us.
    I disagree totally with you, that a majority of the Dutch are against muslim.
    Perhaps it looks like that, but it also depends which newspaper you read...
    I don't think this government will survive after Sinterklaas....

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