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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

게시된 위치 스위스 공개토론

Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • 게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    Great answer to Jim and I am totally agree with you.

  • noreen sison의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    yes, its not easy to find friends here...
    some come some go...since i moved here in zürich, ok i love zh good thing i have a bf and a job..but i miss hanging out my friends since they live all in luzern where i formaly used to lived.
    so anyone near zürich girls since my bf is very jealous type..
    would like to meet up :)

  • fk Peter

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    Hi dear, l am from kenya and l am here from last year. did you find friends?

  • Daniel L의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    Darling Ulrich Schweizer Ulrich, :D

    I can give you the names of lots of people who hate it here, including me. Anyway, what is the point of asking these questions? Pretty moot, dontcha think. Of course it is wrong to say the Swiss blame EVERYTHING on foreigners, that is not true. BUT they blame a whole lot of stuff on foreigners "invading" their wonderful country....and right they are! :D  It is not the Swiss' fault that they are such xenophobes (not all of them), it is their upbringing and mentality. Can't change that and we accept it BUT we are allowed to bitch and moan about it!!! :p 

  • Ulrich Schweizer Ulrich의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    «The swiss blame everything on foreigners», you wrote, dear Jim – and you blame everything on the Swiss! Isnt that a little too simple as a method?
    «The swiss will always complain, no matter what», you wrote – and look who is complaining always about everything? – You.

    In fact I was looking for people who turned their back on Sitzerland because they did not like life here. I asked in many big and international companies – and I could not find one. Everybody said they liked life here! Were these foreigners all hypocrits?
    How long did you stay in Switzerland? And why, if everything was so terrible, did you stay that long?

  • basanta bora

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    great to see ur post, lu. thanks god, hitler is not alive; or he would not find a place to hide, after discovering you on the planet!

  • Daniel L의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    .....I completely agree with you: Swiss are friendly to your is behind your back that they are racist. Of course they will never admit this openly but their actions speak for themselves. Reminds me of the chinese. :D I still strongly dislike the Swiss mentality. They are false. Not all of them but most. My experience is that the city people tend to be more open whereas the country folk are pretty racist and unable to think outside their box. They seldom have an opinion and even if they do they will not share. After 5 years here most of my friends are foreigners. The Swiss are not a sociable people ergo they are not REALLY friendly. End rant. :) But maybe I misunderstand your English...? :D

  • 게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    I am not agree with those who claim that Swiss people are not friendly. I sure that such people not able to be friend. It is a fact either you believe or not that Swiss people are very friendly and cooperative and one of the best Nations in the world.

  • 게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    Hi Everyone,

    Am planning on submitting my Masters application soon in University of Lugano, but i want to find out, if, life as a foreigner in Lugano wont turn out to be a horrendous one for me, and the school site doesn't really have much info, so this makes it difficult to find out certain things, i want to know how much is the standard cost of living for students? is housing expensive? are there jobs one can use to help support while studying?are they friendly?can a single survive there?the questions are endless but i'll just take it one step at a time...

    Please please please i need someone to give answers to my questions.

    Many Thanks...


  • Nikko Z.

    게시한 사람  속 스위스 공개토론 

    i've read all of your posts here and all i can say, i'm really surprised.

    I live in Switzerland (Wetzikon ZH) since 9 months.
    Making friends is not like buying something, that might take time. Is like having a boyfriend or a girlfriend, that happens, you cannot plan it.
    Anyway, this user called Jim has been posting so much nonsense about racism in Switzerland that i had to register to comment.

    First of all, an "american" is talking abput racism? Don't get me started, dude.
    The USA calls itself America while America is not a country but a whole continent. I'm argentine, thus american as well.

    Who ever in your country thinks different is shot on the head. or am i lying?

    Or how about the great "america" invades and bombs other countries?

    Please, before you call all the swiss racist look a little bit what your flag means to the world.
    Of course the whole deportation of foreigners is crap, but hey, you in the "land of the free" are building a WALL so that the mexicans cannot cross the border.


    I'm totally with Roger B on everything he said.
    Integration might not be easy, but so much resentment sure does not help.
    Try being thankful to the country where you live now :)


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