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moving to azores

Publicēts Vietas Azoru salas forums

I am considering moving to the Azores in the near future .I am traveling to the Azores in early march and would like to meet with UK expats who may be able to introduce me to in Azores!!

  • Doties uz lietotāja Norman Newhouse profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    I believe that you believe any forum is a forum for your political views. I am a conservative and I too am fed up with this country. I have lived abroad for a great many years including Turkiye, Mainland Europe, Asia and the entire pacific rim. I speak more from experience so my comments arent "Pontifications" I hope you find what you are looking for but I think it may require some change on your part. Good luck to you

  • Doties uz lietotāja Chiara Scapin profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    Hi everyone,
    I'm writing from Italy, I'm not able to find any italian expats who has written anything all over the web about Azores so...I ask for your help!
    Me and my family (we're 5, I'm the oldest daughter) are thinking about moving to the Azores in order to start a business here (mostly in the cooking-restaurant area) and I would like to know whether someone of you coud tell me anything that could be useful. :)
    Do anyone have started a business here? Which island do you think is the best one (in terms of tourism-environment..)? Do you think it could be a good idea to move there and open for eg a little italian restaurant (of course closely connected with the local products)?

    Hope to hear you soon...and sorry for any possible mistake in my english (I must resume training ;) )

    Thanks a lot!!

  • Doties uz lietotāja Norman Newhouse profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    You will find the Azores rewarding and politically stable. They are far removed from some of the issues present on the mainland. Language will be the main barrier and Portuguese is very difficult to learn. However, without stereotyping you or your family I think you will make the investment in your freedom and security. Also, if you are into futbol and other club sports you will make friends fast. What island are you thinking of? I am partial to Terceira but found Sao Gorge to be pleasant and industrious. San Miguel is a typical big city environment but rent/real estate is less costly there. I think you will find that crime exists but at a substantially lower percentage than you might find in the States or Mainland Europe. Enjoy!!!

  • Doties uz lietotāja Velimir Cuvrk profilu

    Moving to Azores

    publicēja  Velimir Cuvrk - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    Hello to everyone. I found this conversation about moving to Azores on Google, and it makes me wonder how dificult is to do so? Im interested in work permit if possible. Thing is Im from God forsaken country Bosnia and Herzegovina. Im married 4 years now, and have lovely daugther 13 months and She is the main reason why I want to move to Azores. Landscape is breathtaking (at least for me) and i love small community, because I live in small community too. My father, grandfather and his father and so on, were hard forking farmers, and Im farmer too, but our goverment (wich is corrupted to the bone) are trying to destroy small farmers, they have destroyed economy years ago and EU is not in their interest. So this country dont have bright future. I survived the war in 1991-1995, and I dont want for my children do the same, because for some politicans here war isnt over yet. Religious tension and nationalism is everywhere. And Azores is opposite from all of this. Ok, to much from me, but I wanted to explane why I want to move to Azores.

  • Doties uz lietotāja Norman Newhouse profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    Dr. Moir,
    Since you are an "Academic" you may understand this. The simplicity you seek has a price. Yes there are many issues with infrastructure in the Azores. No there are not other schools besides the "War Mongers" school that cater to Americans. Why would there be. The Azores is not an area designed to cater to the needs of American expats. They are struggling with providing schools to their own children. It seems to me that you want to have your cake and eat it too. You want all the ammenities that the U.S. offers without the issues that go along. It seems that your taste may align you more with Bermuda or some such island where the infrastructure is more suited to your needs. I would hate to see you go to the Azores and become the "Ugly American". Although Bermuda would be a good choice, I would forewarn you about the "War Monger" types that are stationed there such as the U.S. Navy and several units from the British Military. LOL Somehow, I cant see that you are going to be happy anywhere. Can I ask you a question? Why do you list yourself as an "Academic" first and "Parent" secondly? In Portugal, this would never happen. My daughter is adopted from the Azores, and as her parent I will say to you to save yourself the embarrassment and stay away. They dont need or want persons of your type in their humble islands. Nobody there will care if you are a Doctor. They will want to know what kind of parent and father you are. What kind of leader of your family you are. They are very conservative and respect long held values. By the way, I received notice of an 18yr old war monger that died this past weekend. Serving his country and you. If I were you, I would stay in America where you have the right to call someone a war monger. Ironically its those war mongers who are protecting that right.

  • publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    Hi, all...
    Mahilena, I am not there YET. Almost to the DAY I was to send my deposit and 1st month's rent to the woman (who lives in the UK) I was to rent her daughter's former apartment from, there was a very heartwrenching death in my family and it has taken me some months to both emotionally - and financially -recover. By the time I tried picking up where I had left off, I was back to square one, looking for an apartment/cottage again, and now having to move my "move" back up to the Fall of this year, for pretty much the very reasons Dr. Moir stated: getting into the Azores on a reasonably-priced flight IS possible, but it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE between May and September, as they ARE ALL BOOKED (I was told some of these reservations are booked a YEAR or two ahead!). So even though Dr. Moir joked kindly about it, I was (and still am) feeling pretty teed-off and unhappy at being pushed to the 'back of the line' so to speak. It's no secret there are thousands of Azoreans living stateside as American citizens nowadays, most along the east/northeast coast. And I'll bet EVERY ONE of them has one of those pre-booked/reserved seats for their annual visits homeland-wise to visit nanas and papas and the rest of the family who stayed behind. ;-)
    I kick myself,, now, for not going ahead with my plans when I HAD a flight booked, had an apartment waiting... but my family would have NEVER forgiven me. I told them NEXT TIME, as I prepare to leave, NOTHING will interrupt my plans.
    I think this has been one of the BIGGEST obstacles for me: that of family and friends, who are wary of even planning weekend trips out of town. Even when I was much younger, and used to drive, alone -and later, with my young son - all over the country to exhibit my art at conventions and shows, it was my family/friends who went to all lengths to try to persuade me not to go, warning me of all the crazy psychos who troll the highways and rest-stops, of my car breaking down in the middle of nowhere, etc. That was in the days BEFORE we had cel phones, so nowadays, as I go nowhere without one, I, too, wonder at the audacity of my younger self, driving so many miles, through and to so many unfamiliar towns and cities, with no safety net (cel phone, in case of emergency, etc.). But nothing ever 'happened' to me, or my son, in all of those 225,000 miles I put on two different - and each over 10 years old at the time - cars. I didn't even suffer a flat tire.
    And now, I am older, have raised a good son (he's stationed at Langley AFB in Virginia right now, involved in super high-;evel-clearance computer/cyber security stuff), and have a cautious but assertive head on my shoulders as I embark on the second half of my life, unencumbered by a nine to five job, or small children, or even a significant 'other' right now. This is the BEST TIME in my life to make such a big move, as I plan, to another 'country'.
    But even though my HEALTH is at stake, and would benefit greatly moving to a cooler climate, my relatives seem to be even MORE against my 'doing something so drastic' as moving to another country, even though I have told them, showed them, that the Azores is probably the closest 'other country' to America excepting Canada and Mexico, that it is not like I was moving to northern Bulgaria or Greenland, for Pete's Sake! I assure them that there is every kind of modern convenience in the Azores, all of the 'major' islands' but especially Ponta Delgada on Sao Miguel, from internet/broadband to full on electric and telephones, that people drive automobiles on paved streets and couples go out to eat Italian or Chinese downtown on weeknights... but they still want me to stay here, even though 'here' is 1.) extremely bad for my physical -and emotional- health, with extremely hot and torrid summers and etremely cold and frigid winters (I'm housebound 350 days a year, thereabuts, almost always because of inclement or extreme weather), and 2.) increasingly too expensive for me to maintain my own residence: I live on an amount that, right now, sees HALF go to rent, and I still have to find a way to pay utilities on top of that (which are also increasing), forget that I haven't even figured in FOOD yet... and, 3.) ironically, the same people who are against me moving because I'd 'be so far away from family' and that they'd 'never see me again, even on holidays', are the same people who have NOT VISITED ME IN PERSON, even ONCE, in the past FOUR YEARS I've lived less than 23 miles away from them... in fact, none of them could find the wherewithall to PICK ME UP to join them for a Christmas Eve family gathering, this past year, when I was unable to drive! Yep. Ironic, hmmm?
    So my plans are intact, just rearranged.

    Third try's a charm, they say.
    Will definitely make a mention of what's happening, to this end again, sometime around the turn of summer to fall...
    And I am not opposed to making new friends who want to go to the Azores, in the event it might work out to get us BOTH THERE, a little sooner, and a lot more economically should we try the roommate thing for the first 3 months or so. If it's someone who is a 'little older', or even a little disabled, like myself, so much the better. I think it would be wonderful if more 'handicapped' folk were encouraged to do something like this, instead of so-called well-meaning family and friends trying to keep us 'grounded', holding us back from living the latter half of our lives the way WE want to...

    Thank you, for the kind words and encouragement.
    Will keep my friends here at Just Landed posted... {{{HUGS}}}}

  • Doties uz lietotāja R S profilu

    publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    I share your thoughts and interests. I am not seeking Americanism, but sanity and reason. That's why I'm contemplating a move. I'm also interested in being involved in an English speaking church. Have you proceeded with a move? If so, where?

  • publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 


  • publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    Dear Shea

    You do have a great spirit...keep it up

  • publicēja  - Vietas Azoru salas forums 

    Hello everyone, I am kind of learning how to use this forum...just posted something but do not see it anywhere ...I am interested in moving to the Azores as well...I am in Miami, Florida...could possibly have my job travel with me..looking for a place to either rent or buy at a reasonable price...I just did a post for Sheah Ryan...commending her for her fight and determination to make it to the islands...but do not see this post..

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