Назад к форуму: Цзянсу

anyone in xuzhou

Опубликовано в форум в Цзянсу

what does this city look like

  • Зайти в профиль David Turnbull

    опубликовал  в форум в Цзянсу 

    just arrived in Xuzhou for 3 weeks can any one provide a guide to western restaurants bars live music in the city?

  • опубликовал  в форум в Цзянсу 

    Hi C. Sayre,

    Are you staying in xuzhou right now? We want to make more frends here in xuzhou

  • Зайти в профиль C. Sayre

    опубликовал  в форум в Цзянсу 

    Xuzhou is an amazingly beautiful city. The lake is amazing surrounded by mountains. It is not overcrowded.

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