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To anyone thinking of moving to South Africa.

Poslané v Fórum Južná Afrika

I hve noticed a good few people posting that they are thinking of moving here. DONT DO IT!!!
I moved here in 2005 and I can honestly say it was one of the worst decisions of my life.
I came here to be with my wife and the mother of my son as we were unable to move back to the uk after we were married. As a uk citizen marrying a non citizen it is a hell of a lot simpler (and cheaper) to live as a married couple outside the uk for five years. I had never been to SA and liked what I saw when I got here. My brother in law had a building company here and offered me a position as a foreman (I am a bricklayer to trade). This only lasted about 12 months and he shut the business down. Since then I have been scratching around looking for work! Thank god my wife has had a constant job since we got here!
I saw on a post from a couple of days ago someone was asking about the anti-white employment legisltion that we have here. IT EXISTS AND THEY KEEP AMENDING IT!!! We started with B.E.E (black economic empowerment)targetting white men as personna non grata. Now we have B.B.E.E (broad based black empowerment)targetting all white people, male and female as being unemployable!! If you are a white male then stay where you are, you wont get work here! If you are a white woman, same rules apply! Unless you have independant financial means do NOT consider SA as an option! Should you be lucky enough to have the means then ber in mind that the thieves target rich white people, even poor white people are crime victims. I have been robbed at gunpoint three times in the last three years, had my house broken into twice and my wife has been hijacked twice!!
There are those out there who would tell you I am being a drama queen. Suit yourself!! I wouldnt take the risk! No doubt you are wondering why we dont go back to the uk? Simple. My wife's salary only just covers our living costs with nothing to spare, so where must we find the money to go abroad?
Hope everyone heeds the advice of someone who has been here a while and knows how damn difficult things are being made for us here!

  • thelonesurvivor Wholovesall

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    I recently Visit Juburg"
    Base in my opinion, SA is a beautiful place, but you must visit SA first before moving and living there all your life esp if your not from there nor born and raised there, unless your adventurous enough to really go through in order to survive in SA.
    This can be the same all over the world, never move without knowing or seeing the country and get the feel if you could truly survive in your own way.
    I am a survivor and adventurous person and I've been through a lot growing up, not having a proper food for months or a safe home over my head, everyday was struggle for me and my family. So, as for myself there's no way i will be able to survive in SA without struggling harder than when i was growing up not to mention i'd also be putting myself in danger, however it would be diff, if i was born and raised there than i would know how to survive and i would have good friends and family to be able to support me when things go down.
    I 'am not trying to discourage anyone not to move in SA.
    "SA,is a beautiful country & every country is different and so is everyone" but my only advice is visit each country before deciding moving in.

    I do have an amazing friend in SA and i wouldn't mind visiting SA again and explore"

  • Prejdite na profil Michael Dipa

    Application for food, clothing, stationeries and school uniform for orphanage an

    zaslal  Michael Dipa v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    Hi, I am Michael Dipa the founder and director of Dipa community feeding scheme which provides feeding scheme and food parcels, bursaries, clothing, stationeries and school uniform for orphanage and vulnerable children of our communities. I would like someone to assist us by clothing, food, stationeries and school uniform for the orphanage and vulnerable children of our communities because they don't have parents and education is the key of life.

  • Manya Bredell

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    I am South African and was born here. Even keeping the emotional issues aside, let's look at some facts about life here. Every 30 seconds a woman is raped in S.A. (this is not a true figure as many never even report a rape). Twenty (20) people are killed every day from gunshot wounds. If you do not barricade yourself into your house/home at night, you will not sleep well or safely, no matter what neighbourhood you stay in. You cannot go for a walk in the mountain here around C.T. (we had 3 attacks in the last weeks on walkers/joggers). If you walk around at night - take your chances. Police ? well, they just can't cope. Justice ? Well, they are overloaded and can't cope. Jails ? overflowing and can't cope. Hope you get the picture.

  • Prejdite na profil F Douglar

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    What I see here, is a bunch of folks who seem yo think they're entitled to success, regardless of where they are in the world. Some people have lived in an environment where they were among the preferred group, and were lulled into thinking that life was actually like that..May I say, " dude, you're not the only person in SA who's not employed. . There are many people in SA who are unemployed, plus you..

  • Prejdite na profil Lewis Sinfield

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    I moved to South Africa in November 2012 and I absolutely love it, this country does have its problems but doesn't every Country? For me and my wife this country fit us great, and we can see growth and improvement. It took myself about 10 months to find work but I was in the same situation in the UK. So if your thinking of moving here don't be discourages by these negative comments and find out for your self!

  • Sedy .Mosikili

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    Please before you mislead people here write down your company registration and information , People need to verify if you offense we can never be too careful and your name is not SA so I wonder????/

  • Prejdite na profil Seb Lalloo

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    Thanks Donald for at least replying to my post. The situation now is its hard to get out - you need a job to get a visa and you can't get a job because you don't have a visa. That's how I read it for anywhere I would like to go like the US or Canada.

  • Prejdite na profil Donald Hesse

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    Seb- If you are a white person in SA you are discriminated against regarding employment. That is both the cultural and the legal reality of attempting to exist there. If you are a black person the job opportunities are also few and far between - certainly nothing in the line of work to which you may be accustomed . My suggestion is to get the hell out of there as soon as possible..

  • Prejdite na profil Seb Lalloo

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    Folks, I am almost at my wits end. I have been back since December 2012 and as an HR Professional with 21 years experience, I have not yet received one phone call inviting me to an interview!!!

    I needed to return to South Africa to finalize a divorce from my South African wife and unfortunately to do that I needed to resign from a one-in-a-million dream job I had at the International Monetary Fund. Now, I am unemployed and it seems persona non grata. I have tried to find answers about why I am not even getting interviewed and it seems to fall on deaf ears or the subject is changed. I don't have any judgments against my name nor do I have any criminal offenses.

    What is up? Can somebody help shed some light on this?

  • Prejdite na profil Jobs Informations

    zaslal  v Fórum Južná Afrika 

    I personally believe that we should show the people that are planning/wanting to move to South Africa, we should show them the different channels where they can find jobs postings. Here at is the best way to start.The reason I'm saying this is because the first thing( according to statistics) that people should look up before moving to another state or country is for jobs and vacancies.
    I definitely recommend you these to sites:

    Good luck!

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