Gunther Gorny

О мени

Gunther Gorny
 Gunther Gorny
О мени:
About me is hard to define for those who have not had the opportunity to have met me. We all would like to be introduced as persons of similiar ambitions, tastes, personalities and character. I am one that embraces living a simple life style. One that is renewed with and dressed in the wardrobe of mercy, compassion, kindness, humility and nurtured love. The elimination of consumption of wealth and materialism. Removing many of the things that make life complicated. Spending time with people whom I can share my love. "In art, realists paint life with blemishes, wrinkles, and scars. Idealists paint a subject as they imagine it could or should be." The realization of excepting all with all their blemishes, wrinkles, and scars. We are not the perfection that we want others to see. We are no better than those who are handicapped. See the beauty in all.
Место пребивалишта:
Quintana Roo (Mexico)
English, Polish, Spanish, German
Интересују Вас:
Пријатељи, Познанства, Пословни контакти
Mexico, Quintana Roo, World


Веб страница:
Computers/Internet, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Music, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Biking, Dancing, Walking/Hiking
Омиљена музика:
Омиљени филмови:
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
Омиљене књиге:
"The Four Agreements" by Don Migueal Ruiz
Ствари које ми се свиђају:
World traveling, biking, historical churches/museums, and mostly "a beautiful sun filled morning to spend with someone"
Ствари које не волим:
Don't really hate anything besides unscrupulous people who lie, cheat, and are not honest with others.
Статус везе:


CooperaWorking s.A.
Веб страница:
Подручје рада:
Marine/Solar Energy/Product Development
Director of Operations
Претходна каријера:
Business Owner