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credit card

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hi i am working here in dubai and my salary is only 3000 AED, i need a credit card, anyone please help me get a credit card i really need it

  • Abdul kaddir kullanıcısının profiline gidin

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    Did you get a credit card with 3k salary?

  • Abdul kaddir kullanıcısının profiline gidin

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    I think salary 3000 AED for a credit card is too less. Minimum should be 5000, if i'm not wrong.

  • sun fun kullanıcısının profiline gidin

    credit card in abu dhabi

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  sun fun : Dubai forumu 

    Hi ,
    Just share some information with me
    i have citi bank credit card in bahrain citi bank , may i used or transfer it to abu dhabi once i got the new in uae
    or not i want apply a credit card mostly try for citi or other ... my basic salary is 4500 ahd + sc+company accommodation.
    i thing salary will transfer to NBAD bank.

    Please let some suggestion for the get credit card


  • zahid afridi

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    yes dear I m agree with can have yours credit card only from RAK bank if your salary is 3000.. so better you talk to their customer care service

  • Talal Bayaa


    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  Talal Bayaa : Dubai forumu 

    You can get a credit card by placing an AED 60,000 deposit in a bank. A better option is to check if you company is on the approved company list of any bank, the AED 5,000 minimum requirement can be waived in such cases. The Amal Standard Card from RAKBANK is an option for you if your company is on their list, and your salary is AED 3,000-5,000 (

  • John Robinson

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    do not try to get any type of credit card ..this will just add problem to your financial situation..

  • rajesh roy

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    i need a credit card and i have 4000 aed salary including accomodation
    how to get a credit card iam in dubai

  • naturewalker SG

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    new credit card policy is that a salary bank account transfer with at least 5k or a bank account statement with monthly deposit of 5k. Iin case credit card holder defaults the company can check the account submitted to them.

    Also, heard somewhere don't know if this is true there is a hold departure order for cancelled visas for terminated employees if there is an existing unpaid credit or loan. Please verify if anybody has the information...

  • WebJunky 80

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    someone told me (i have not verified this) that if you can show savings of a certain amount (3 months salary i believe) that banks will extend you credit. alternative apply for a global card in your country and use it in dubai (assuming there are no exchange rate fees) - clarrify with your bank. i can do this with my AMEX issues while i was in the USA

  • Moxx .

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Dubai forumu 

    Ano, the policies of Banks has been changed they required minimum salary 5000 AED... Unfortunately, your salary can not be considered as per Bank Law in UAE....
    Im sorry dear.....

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