2h Kundalini Workshop


Serendip Spa & Yoga

Place Stéphanie 18, Ixelles, Belgium 地图

The 7 CHAKRAS are the energy centers in our body through which energy flows. Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness, so it is important to clear them to keep this energy flowing freely.

Among other benefits, Kundalini Yoga is a powerful tool that encourages the release and balance of the 7 chakras. Instead of focusing solely on physical performance, it offers a broader perspective of breathing, meditation, mudras and chanting. Nonetheless, practicing Kundalini poses can be physically intense.

In each of the 7 sessions we will work on a chakra: after a brief presentation, we will have a kriya or KY series, followed by a relaxation and an appropriate meditation. The last session will be an integration of the 7 chakras.

Regardless of your age, physical condition or experience in yoga, Kundalini works for anyone interested in mental and physical challenges. All are welcome! It is not necessary to attend all sessions to experience the benefits of this powerful tool.

Our Kundalini Yoga Instructor Guillermo Dascal is certified by KRI Kundalini Research Institute & Yoga Alliance.

The price per session is 35eur pp. Register & pay in full at least 5 days in advance and you will receive a 5€ discount.

Register easily for this session on our website or feel free to contact us at yoga@serendipspa.com or at +32 2 503 55 04.

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 Helena Mahuas