• Maria Padilla


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Maria Padilla في منتدى كولومبيا 

    Hi Tania,

    Im colombian, Colombia is not so dangerous as the media shows... you have to take some precuations... where are you planning to go?

    For exmaple Bogota, is very nice... I have been in many european cities and Bogota is really nice, but there you cant take taxi in the street, if you are in the city center you have to have a low profil: not showing that you have a exppensice camera or watch!

    There are many regions where you can go ... other are "zonas rojas", which use to be places of conflict and is better not to go there (Meta, Vichada, Putumayo)... but you can go to Villa de Leyva, Cartagena, Medellin, Amazonas, Calia, Barranquilla...

    If you need further information you can contact me,

    kind regards,


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