• John B اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    Residency impossible

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  John B في منتدى كينيا 

    I am married to a Kenyan now since 8 years. I wanted to apply for permanent residency, and as stated in the requirements tried to apply for a Certificate of good conduct at the CID. There I was informed that I must stay in the country for at least 6 month to be issued one. Back to Nyayo house I was told that I should stay in the country for a period of 6 month and return to CID. Well, how can I stay in the country without being able to even work? Alternatively I should return to Europe, look for a job in Kenya (which I am doing already since 3 years) and return once I have Employment. Once in Employment I should alter apply for permanent residency. The whole process is confusing and makes no sense to me. It seems that people should be discouraged applying for a permanent residency. In the US at least you get issued a temporary residency and work permit.

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