• It should finished as it has stated "If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs"

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل تم حذف المستخدم في منتدى البرتغال 

    "If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs"
    Was the initial aim of this extensive discussion, although conversation has been shifting towards other topics.
    I will keep the focus on the initial post

    1) You have presented few facts to support and confirm your statement. (I dont accept as valid things such: "go to a bank/macdonalds and count the number of black people working there")
    2) It seems that you are generalizing from your own experiences.Sometimes we are unfortunately to be in the wrong place at the wrong time more than once in a row. (Was this your case?) (If you have applied for several jobs and didnt get any, what makes you think its discrimination and not the rule of the best fitted?I also saw MANY of my job applications rejected and unanswered :( )
    3) I defend that the number of white vs black graduated people without a job meeting their qualifications is not statistically significant different. Therefore the word "black" should be erased from the statement for a more accurate judgement.

    Belinda if you have data that knocks down any of the above sentences, let me know.

    I do believe there is a problem, but its not of discrimination. Its more of in-dependency.
    Perhaps if you would have stated something like this, i would agree with you:
    "If you are educated but you have poor network connections you ll hardly find a graduated job in Portugal. "


    1) Public sector employs a high number of workers
    1.1) Public sector does not have or has ineffective self-control mechanisms (e.g laws & procedures, decision making, independent monitoring bodies, sanctions/fees) for Hiring People (e.g Collective Bargain Agreements formed by the entire organization/department and outside members that approves hiring decision); and for Public Procurement of Services (E.g a law to obey in public procurement, a closely monitoring of law compliance by independent party, individual sanctions if law is not obey)
    2) At the private sector this network-leverage can also be the case, but to a lower extend, due to the fact that the controls mentioned in 2) are linked to the final goal of the company (be profitable, the more the better). Thus the hiring rule seeks the best/fitest of the candidates

    I must say that Portugal suffered/suffers from a disease much worse than colour descrimination: influence, the ability to influence decision towards desired outcomes, which have promoted the short-term and certain individual and not the long-run, future society and the overall welfare of its citizens.

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