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    Traveling in Italy

    Postado por  Davide Tice em Itália forum 

    Ciao Anneke. Have you heard of the town of Assisi where Frances of Assisi is from? Well Perugia is just 20 minutes away from Assisi. Assisi was the first place I went to upon arriving in Perugia. Una citta bellisima con la chiesa di San Francesco on the hill. What a spectacular view from up there.

    Perugia is the capitol of Umbria la cuore verde della Italia.
    The Green Heart of Italy. The region of Umbria is just right below the region of Tuscany.(capitol of Tuscany is of course Florence) Many people like Umbria better because it has less tourists my comparison to Tuscany.

    I flew into Rome and then took a nice 3 hour train ride to Perugia. Passed the whole time on the train speaking Italian to the nicest young ladies had ever met. The train ride seemed more like only an hour and half.

    While in Perugia on the week-ends I travelved to Spoleto, Spello, Gubbio, Todi, Terni, Orvieto, Assisi, Foligno, San Marino, Florence, San Leo, Lago di Trasimeno(4th largest lake in Italy), Piacenza and more.
    The train and bus service in Italy is molto buono.

    A proposito, Gubbio is the city where the TV series Don Matteo was filmed.
    I've got 12 episodes of that televion program on 3 DVDs. It's all in Italian. Can recognize all those places on the show because I was there. Use to watch that program in my apartment in Perugia. So it's special to me.

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