• Profil uživatele John Lovejoy

    The German Poverty Industry

    Publikováno uživatelem  John Lovejoy v Fórum Nemecko 

    @ G.M.
    For 4,- an hr they should be thanking you for doing them a favor.
    Illegal aliens get paid more in the US.
    Some of the people made to work for Leiharbeiter ( loan-worker) agencies end up with 2, - to 3, -per hr.
    If they refuse their unemployment is cut.
    By definition, this is legalized slavery.

    And the practicum thingy is also a legalized scam to get people to work for free whilst pretending to do them a favor as are also the 1, -Euro per hr jobs.
    Germany today featuring the lowest wages of any western nation is edging closer to full blown socialism.
    They would rather give you meager survival money every month from the unemployment office than permitting you to earn a living
    “Permitting” being the key phrase here, since everything is bureaucratized to the hilt.

    The kicker of course is the arrogance. Taking up the time of an other person without paying them.
    The state has legalized these practices in the past few years , effectively doing away with minimum wage.

    Ever wonder why Germany’s unemployment statistics are so low?
    Because working for free or next to free whilst on meager unemployment is considered to be employed.
    Blurring the line between what is employed and what is not.
    By the standards of other western nation their unemployment stats would be around 20% and above.
    Poverty is a state sponsored industry in Germany.
    In a nutshell if they don’t respect for their people how could they possibly have respect for somebody else.

    A documentary about this
    Die Armutsindustrie Part 1

    And here the same with English subtitles.
    The poverty industry - Part 1

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