• It depends

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από Διαγραμμένος χρήστης σε φόρουμ Νότια Αφρική 

    In the more developed areas, i.e. Saburbs, cities, etc... People are generally more accepting. This is because when you are staying in a more developed and busy city like Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban, there are a lot different cultures, races, religions etc. that you are exposed to on a daily basis. In essence you are basically forced to understand these differences and respect them, it either that or you leave. So understanding and respecting people's differences is a learned behaviour in developed areas of South Africa and you will find that people are a lot more accepting of interracial couples in those areas.
    Like Nadya Dowling said, there are still the generation that was at the height of apartheid, those people and their mindsets are only present in the rural areas and the farms. And that mindset is present in all the races that reside in these rural, farm, township areas.

    So developed areas yay, underdeveloped areas nay.

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