• עבור אל הפרופיל של John Lovejoy


    פורסם על ידי  John Lovejoy ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    @Daniel Hollenbeck
    I agree that the Nazi talk is inappropriate and has no place in a civil discussion unless one refers to real Nazis or Neo Nazis.
    Moreover Neo Nazism these days is not limited to Germany but sadly has found its way in many other cultures too.
    Neither is racism necessarily nazism but sometimes just racism and varying in degrees from mild xenophobia (mostly born out of fear or ignorance) to full blown hatred of “the others” just because and then often rooted in delusions of cultural and or racial superiority.

    In your post you said that you teach kids from varying ethnic backgrounds and that they get along just fine.
    This does not surprise me because racism is an ideology and with that has to be taught first.
    A kid on his own would not be racist unless somebody taught him or her that or its part of the culture and environment they grow up in by witnessing it or being subjected to it.
    So the lesson here is, how you treat others in the presents of children will deeply impact them for the rest of their life.

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