• Amjad Khan

    Resigning before completing at least 2 years of my contract

    פורסם על ידי  Amjad Khan ב-  דובאי פורום 

    Hi Astatin,

    Well, there is a 2 yrs minimum period that you have to complete b4 to leave a company. but i am also a bit unsure if its a Freezone company you are moving into than i guess you won't have to complete 2 years.

    The best place to get this info is:
    UAE visa information sources dnrd.gov.ae or dnrd.ae - Department of Naturalisation and Residency Dubai (DNRD) website - should be the most up to date source.

    If u just log on to DNRD site and go to E-Services , there you will find a tab E-Chat . once u enter in the chat room , soon a representative from DNRD will address your problem and give you the solution.

    If you get the info please do update me as well about the solution.


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