• Tony Swope

    My Profession

    hozzászóló:  Tony Swope itt Németország fórum 

    I am a Senior IT Systems Analyst. I have been working with IBM as a Defense Contractor. I have been offered a position near Weisbaden.

    I will tell you this I heard similar stories the first time I went to Korea. I heard that Koreans don't like black people. There was not any neo-nazis of course however there was extreme political groups. I had heard stories of foreigners be attacked by certain Korean nationals. When I got there some was true some was not. I focused on learning the language the culture my profession and networking with people who were into me.

    Sure there were people that did not like me but I had plenty of Korean friends that would stick up for me and the others who may not have liked had to respect me or either have nothing to do with me at all.

    Bottomline I had good times and bad times but I had more good than bad. All I know is that in my experience of traveling the world there are people who are thrilled to meet us and not because we are black but because we are american. For other people it is cause we are black americans and others hate us or discriminate against us for the same reasons.

    Germany has more immigrants than in Korea and Japan however, in Germany I am sure that you will find people that will be down for you and vice versa no matter what you do in the words of Dr. M.L. King it is truly about the content of your character. In addition there was someone in the thread who said some wise words. You must understand what may drive a german to think and feel a certain way and I am sure these thoughts and feelings vary depending on the person and their experience.

    Like I said before this is going to be a good experience for me and I choose to deal with every person, experience, and opportunity on a case by case basis. Besides the only way you ever find out anything for sure is to get out there and do it and while you are doing it you must have the flexibility to roll with the punches and surround yourself with people that have your back period. This applies wherever you should happen to go.

    The most important thing for me is now I have some initial information about germany I am not walking into the country deaf, dumb, and blind and now I have to let te pieces fall into place and like I said. If people stare at me or if I date white german woman and they stare or if I go take a piss and they stare I'm like this LOOK BUT DONT TOUCH LOL! So long as I am minding my own business and being aware of my surroundings I will be fine. Again good luck to you bro.

    Again good luck bro!


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