• Laurie Perkins


    diposting oleh  Laurie Perkins di forum Jerman 

    No problem, I didn't take offense :-) I am truly sorry that you are having difficulties there. And I don't know all the ends and outs of your situation....so I can only offer general suggestions without knowing all the fine details. But the problem is a lot like men and women.....the thought process is so very different. My tolerance comes from understanding my own ignorance about a culture I did not grow up in and visa a versa, you know? I simply pick my battles and when I think something is directly targeted at me then I will defend myself however when I see something is said because of the generalization imposed on "Americans" then I leave it alone. Sometimes the best thing to do is simply let it rest. They say the proof is in the pudding, right?

    The indifference towards foreigners may be there for a lot of reasons. I know a lot of Germans resent the huge taxation imposed on them and often feel their country spends a lot of "their" money helping out other countries, also Germany is a tiny country and much of it is over populated. Like you said, all countries are in a big mess including the US.

    Hang in there!!!!!!

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