• Pergi ke profil David and Nadia Orlic

    Croatian Citizenship by descent

    diposting oleh  David and Nadia Orlic di forum Kroasia 

    Hi Piero,
    We have bought a place here near Omis and are currently doing the renovations, but will only be here for less then 90 days this time around so are good and do not need to register at the police station.
    We called in anyway to say hello and find out, on the ground, what was needed of us. Both my parents are from Croatia and my wife's mum is also.
    Our experience was good, the lady behind the counter was very helpful and friendly.....it may have had something to do with the fact that I speak a bit of Croatian and expressed a desire to only speak Croatian and so learn more of the language.
    Okay so here is what we had already done;
    We got our OIB, tax number, everyone here has one and you can do nothing without it, no bank account, no electricity, phone connection nothing, so that is number one. It costs you nothing and you get it from any Tax Office or the Ministry of Finance. You will need your passport which needs to show your current address, in the country you currently reside in.
    After this you can go and open a bank account, same routine, it took us two hours as there are a lot of questions.
    When we come back in July we need to bring back with us a copy of our marriage certificate, which may not apply to you, if you are just applying for yourself.
    I will continue on as if this is just for me, it may be easier for you.
    I need to bring back a copy of my parents marriage certificate, which I hope will show their dates of birth and also my grandparents names....they need this so they can then check the records, here, to verify lineage.
    The lady didn't mention anything but from what I have read the birth certificates need to be "Apostled", this means they come with an official stamp on them for which you have to ask for, and in the UK costs extra.
    I need to provide proof of my address, here in Croatia. For me I can take a copy of the Land Title Register, showing me as owner of a property here, I don't know your position.....if you are staying with relatives it might be an idea that they come in with you so they can confirm and maybe sign a statement to the effect. If you are renting then I guess your tenancy agreement and an electric bill etc.
    They also need bank statements, for your Croatian bank account, showing regular monthly deposits, to prove that you can support yourself and not be a burden on the system.
    Lastly they need proof of medical cover, for us this is simple as we are part of the EU and hold EU medical cards but I don't know what your nationality is so you may have to provide proof of private medical cover.
    The lady said that with all this provided I would be given a temporary residents permit, ID card, which is good for 5 years and can be renewed easily. The process for obtaining Citizenship is very slow she said and does take years.
    Don't know if you already know all this but it is what I know so far.
    How far have you got with the process, what are your experiences?
    Kind regards,
    David Orlic

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