• Manuel Barcina

    Spanish men and their Spanish temper

    diposting oleh  Manuel Barcina di forum Spanyol 

    Hi Ana,

    I agree with you. Of course it's important -and necessary- to comprehend the culture and habits of those around you, specially abroad.

    Unfortunately, the percentage of polite Spanish people is very low.

    The level of illiteracy in Spain is one of the highest in Europe. It increases as you travel South. Believe it or not, we've had the same UNCOUTH government in Andalusia for the last three decades. Their great contribution towards the social progress is called "PER". It is a monthly fee paid to any citizen capable of studying and/or working, to firmly avoid doing so.

    Did you know that there's a little town in Seville that has more Spanish pub's ("bares") than Finland? Now you know why.

    Kind regards,

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