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    Inburgering examen

    pubblicato da  Evelyn Macmor in Olanda forum  

    Hello everybody, Iam new here, and I think is a very nice site where we can have a clue about how is the Inburgering exam in the buitenlad, Just wanned to thanks everybody to share your experient with us, and specially thanks GENEVIEVE about taking your time and explain in detail about the exam, I read your blog and has been very helpful for me...
    Iam taking the exam next week, Iam very nervous and Iam very concern because still very difficult for me on the repeating sentences part, I can't hardly understand what they are saying and Iam just catching 2 or 3 words for one sentences, I think Iam doing good regarding tegenstellingen and korte vragen, I would say 90% out of 100%.
    Question for the people has passed the examen, Do you think is very difficicul to pass, I have been studying dutch for the last 4 months, using the naar nederland kit, which I didn't finished, (I studied until les 50) but I continue practising in this website, https://sites.google.com/site/exercisesinburgering/inburgeri
    I did all the exercises this page provides, do you think is good enough? or anyone knows about other website where can I keep practising??

    Thank you very much for your advice...

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