• Frank Wagner

    Driving schools in Germany

    によるポスト  Frank Wagner に ドイツ フォーラム 

    Learning to drive in Germany is a rather costly process. For the normal license you have to do a mandatory 14 theoretical lessons, 12 practical lessons (4 motorway, 3 night time, 5 country roads), and then however number of actual lessons are required for the actual driving process. Then come extra costs for the test itself and getting the license. In total the costs for learning and getting a license are €1,400 to €2,000.

    If you already have a driving license from a country other than Germany, and you need information on getting it converted to a German license, then read this article: Converting to a German driving license

    Note that the lessons as described above really are mandatory. And you must pay an authorised instructor to teach you. Unlike in other countries, such as the UK, it is not legal to take free lessons from a friend or family member.

    Here is a breakdown of the average costs:

    * Registration & Theory classes: €130-199
    * 12 Special lessons (mandatory): €420-495
    * Theory Test: €49-66
    * Practical Test: €130-160
    * KVR application: €45
    * TUV exam: €87.81

    Those are the items that you must pay. The 12 special lessons involve the normal roads, autobahn, and night driving.

    Normal driving lessons range from about €25 to €32. Most first-time learners require 10 to 20 lessons. Although this is obviously different for everyone.

    So assuming no outside assistance, and let's say 15 of the normal lessons, the cost is approximately €1500 (but probably more) and about 3 to 4 months before you qualify and get on the road.

    You could, in theory, get some extra free practice by jumping in someone else's car in some carpark somewhere. But if the police catch you you're in deep doodoo (which, in all likelihood folks, WILL happen, as curising local car parks looking for evil is probably high on criminal activity agenda).

