• stigma against interracial couples

    publicēja  Dzēsts lietotājs - Vietas Dienvidāfrika Republika forums 

    I think Isaac question is about stigma against interracial couples not crime.
    Black and white or problems related to interracial relationship are not only South African. It is even more difficult in the white side. You should know that black or African are more tolerant that white. I have research and wrote a book about it in 2008. My research came from my personal experience.
    I was married to a white German lady as black in South Africa. My wife was accepted, integrated and loved by everyone. But at work some white folks found it strange even if they were not saying it. On the contrary my black colleagues and friends were ok. Sometimes I was just teased by black ladies asking me if they were not beautiful enough for me or if we were different. Yes for jokes.
    When we moved to Germany in 2002, my white family in-law rejected me and for 7 years in Germany they never saw me or welcome me in their homes. This situation really affected our marriage. On the other side, I tried to date white South African ladies. It is not possible if you are not a star or from a certain circle. As Nadia Scott said, it will take time. But it will take more time from white people side to become color blind.

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