• Canada eh!!!

    publicēja  Dzēsts lietotājs - Vietas Vācija forums 

    Canada is sure a wonderful country but multiculturalism is still not successful in Canada either. You will find Italian, Portuguese, Indian, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish ghettos everywhere. Lets travel around different provinces of Canada and see how 30 Million (very tiny population) is accepting the multiculturalism. Lets start our journey from Ontario:
    White population was once living in Brampton ON area and now moved to further North as it was not acceptable for them to have next door brown Indian Sikh, so they moved to Bolton, ON and now they are leaving Bolton too and moving to Barrie, ON.

    You go to Alberta and there you will even find Neo-Nazis, Aryan Guard is an Alberta-based neo-Nazi group with members primarily located in the city of Calgary, have you never heard about them??? Ok lets go to another province, Terry Tremaine, a former University of Saskatchewan math lecturer, has a particular hatred for blacks, First Nations people and Jews was not in contempt of the court, but only on a technicality.

    And we know that how much BC loves Indian (aboriginals) here you have one example, "An elite British Columbia private school is facing a human rights complaint from an Indian residential school survivor who alleges the institution did little after she faced a racist barrage from a manager who said “all Indians are dirty filthy pigs.”

    Ok forget that news read the story of a common person http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110308212539AA

    Now please read the racists mentality of Atlantic provinces http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/hidden-racism/Content?oid=107
    2189 Very nice and eye opening article and that comment from someone really fits many Canadians:
    "Canadians like to believe that they are "too nice", that a Canadian is a human, but better than the rest, specially Americans, but I tell you, I've been in the US many, many times and have NEVER experienced racism until I came to Canada. I always thought racism was also a responsibility of the people experiencing it, but that changed when it was done to me in Canada and has been done many times over. My children want to be blond, even though they are all light skinned, almost white... care to guess why?"

    Do I talk about Quebec, oh well you will say that they are not real Canadians ;-)

    Canada is 26x bigger than Germany and its a country to welcome immigrants ONLY for its own survival. Still Canadians are not ready to give top positions to skilled immigrants. TY I close this discussion with you here as I know my Canadian fellows always think that they are never wrong eh!!

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