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Volunteer for Community development Org
Gebied van werk:
Vorige Job:
Our Mission: VFC’s mission is to make the dreams of disadvantaged people come true by building a global village through community development services and the bringing together of different cultures of the world. Our Values: VFCD values are reflected in the safe environment and excellence of our programs. VFCD values the right of every person in this world to cultural and personal freedom.




    Program overview

    VFCD provides a volunteer service that creates opportunities for people from all over the world, giving them the chance to change their lives and the lives of the people they help.
    We are also setting up sustainable community development projects to protect the environment and to provide basic education and life skills for vulnerable groups.

    Environmental Education
    Improving Environmental awareness for Young People
    We are building an information bank about environment and global climate change issues in order to improve awareness for young people and community.
    Moreover, we are cooperating with environmental experts in providing technical support and implementing communication activities to raise awareness for local residents and tourists.

    Research trips for future conservation projects
    In this program volunteers travel to areas that will be sites for future work-camp projects. Volunteers have an especially important role as they investigate our national forests and conservation areas that are being destroyed by both mankind and natural erosion. Volunteers will also gain invaluable knowledge about how to protect our world. During the trip they will help to find ways to prevent the environmental destruction and to source funding for restoration works. Volunteers will give constructive ideas as to future work-camp projects for our international volunteer network and will contribute in a meaningful way to the development of our organization and the greening of Vietnam.

    Education is fundamental to human progress, enabling individuals and communities to acquire skills and knowledge essential for improving their quality of life. But for vulnerable groups like disadvantaged children and rural teenagers access to basic education is limited.
    Education is VFCD's major program area with volunteers serving as teachers of English, math, science, and business. Education volunteers introduce innovative teaching methodologies; encourage critical thinking in the classroom; and integrate issues like environmental awareness into all subjects. Many also work in curriculum and resource development and train teachers informally and formally in conversational English, academic subjects or methodology, thus achieving a truly sustainable impact.
    Education Volunteers are uniquely positioned to be highly effective as community development workers. Through the strong relationships they establish volunteers can engage in a wide variety of outreach projects concerning at-risk children and youth.

    English Tutor in schools
    VFCD place qualified Native English speakers into regional schools, colleges and universities in local towns and the Hanoi capital. Tutors will assist with the development of student’s English language learning. You will have the chance to teach and experience the real Vietnam in many provincial cities and towns.
    Provide orphaned and street children with the skills to be integrated into the community
    Local and international volunteers are needed provide orphaned and street children with a basic education and life skills. This will be done through educational games and activities created by the volunteers to improve their level of education and their access to knowledge in the hope that these students can lead better lives and be integrated into the community.
    Community Development

    “We believe that people work best when they work together”
    VFCD have many field-based volunteer positions working with community groups in low- income urban neighborhoods and rural areas. Community Development projects require a hands-on approach to helping families meet basic needs in areas such as health, housing and education. It also provides an opportunity to become involved activities such as assisting the community in the development of small business opportunities. Volunteers must have strong interpersonal and organizational skills and a sound understanding of the need for Cultural appreciation in all aspects of their relationship with the local community.
    Training for Youth
    Improving life skills for the youth

    Because of the disadvantages they suffer as children, many Vietnamese teenagers need to confront and overcome challenges in their lives and deal with conflict and decision making sometimes on their own. This misleading life orientation while providing survival skills does not allow them to see beyond what they do on a daily basis and limits their personal development. For children in these situations it can turn to involvement in criminal activities such as thieving and prostitution to obtain more money or drugs and alcohol to forget.

    All of these activities can expose them to the prison system and sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. Children need to be given opportunities to see the bigger picture of life, to realize their own potential and here at VFCD we try to be the artist that paints the picture.

    “Improving life skills for the youth”
    • Development of Educational and Vocational Pathways
    • Presentation skills
    • Relationship building
    • Personal life skills management tools
    • Hygiene management
    • Environmental protection education
    • Developing leadership and team-working skills


    Volunteer for Community Development and Environment Education (VFCD) is a non-government, non-profit organization in Vietnam with a mission to build community awareness through local environmental and community services. VFCD was the first local Non-Governmental volunteer organization in Vietnam to have official status to conduct volunteer programs. We provide opportunities that make a difference to the lives of people from all parts of the world through our volunteer services by encouraging mutual exchange of friendships and cultures. The organization also works to set-up sustainable projects to protect the environment, provide basic education for vulnerable groups, and encourages the development of community programs.