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    There is racism everywhere

    innsent av  Belinda Angelino i Portugal forum 

    "There is racism everywhere" does not indeed fix the problem. But the problem is that it is not taken as a problem in the first place but rather a right that nationals "claim". It's a necessary residual when it comes to Europeans in their country -not wanting to discuss the American issue.

    Although racism is everwhere, it has different faces everywhere. You see black people achieving great careers in France, Engand, America, Holland, Canada but not in Portugal if they don't have a liberal profession to stand on their own. In Portugal, no company hires highly educated black people. The almost inexisted light skinned or mixed "black" people in Portugal who might have been employed by companies, have a secret connection behind, such as belonging to African Families political figures' that give a slight of something big in return. There is no black person hired by their merits in Portugal. "Because he/she is black" is a legitimate excuse to not hire a person in Portugal. It is something that the Portuguese owe and the Africans should understand. It is settled, as if the Portuguese- more than any other coloniser- deserves this differentiation.

    Jack Garcia, if you are Portuguese, you are not being honest if deny that black people in Portugal have the same dignity in the labour market as black people in England. It's about aknowledging the qualities and efforts of a person regardless to their skin. If England is also racist towards black skinned labour, it certainly tries to balance it a bit. Not in Portugal because Portugal is really for the white Portuguese and we Africans should know it better.

    João Seara, your Brazilian and Ukranian neighbours must certainly have high education and are employed according to their qualifications? Man, we are both Portuguese, don't give me that BS. Ever heard of the term "pretos do Leste" = "Eastern blacks"- these are the Eastern Europens. Now, not to try to say that each immigrant should be spared from any "joking" names, but this one is quite flagrant.

    The Portuguese are patient towards their Governments? No, they don't understand it, actually. If they did, they would feel rage enough to come out of their comfort zone and fight for somethiing. There is a terrible brainwashing of the Portuguese media and government that the Portuguese people take it as it is. They have no idea they can do something about it. It's all about "what God wil" in Portugal. They look at the other countries moving on, growing and they believe that it lies on their lucky genes. "They" are who they are and "we" are who we are. That's how the Portuguese mentality is. How to change that? By getting out of their depressing sofas. Why did they make themselves zombies? Better keep the clothes clean? How do you get things better if you don't want to dirty your hands?

    Jack, you must be British most of the time. You are certainly well served. Ever had to fight for a job in Portugal?

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