• Idź do Danny Simpson profilu

    Deutscher Internet-Scammer Christian Gasper aka Allen Martin from Hesse is back!

    dodane przez  Danny Simpson w  Niemcy forum 

    Christian Gasper, Deutscher Internet-Scammer from West Hessen, Wiesbaden is back online. He is also known as Allen Martin for his Internet Scams. Christian was found to be active on facebook, instagram and linkedin and he has a few new websites. Beware of this scammer!

    Go to google, type ‘christian gasper scam’ or 'allen martin scam' to see all his online scams.

    Christian Gasper’s accounts and websites that were discovered on 30th July 2017 at www.allenmartinscam.com/allen-martin-scam are:

    https://www.facebook.com/Christian-Gasper-274335962972470/ (comments disabled)

    At https://videofruit.com/stories/allen-martin/, ‘Allen Martin’ said this about himself “He grew of 4,110 subscribers and generated $732,042 in the last 12 months”. This may give an indication of the amount of money he scammed.

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