• moving to SA

    dodane przez Użytkownik usunięty w  Republika Południowej Afryki forum 

    Hi, my name was used in the previous letter. I am born South African, but have to admit we are moving backwards.
    1. No more free schooling.
    2. No more free health.
    3. Wages very low.
    4. Food very expensive.
    5. Electricity exorbitant
    6. Petrol very expensive.
    7. No real transport system
    8. poverty all over.
    9 . unemployment very high.
    10. NO apprentice ship any longer
    11. old age grants a very low
    12. safety very very worrying
    13. the country has moved backwards since 1994. If you sit back and you compare the quality of life is not the same.
    I do not know where you grew up but most probably not in south africa.

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