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    english schools Kuwait

    опубликовал  Feefee Dougan в форум в Кувейт 

    I'm British and have lived in Kuwait for over 10 years. I have 4 children who have gown up here. The English School Salmiya caters and has a preference for British children although all nationalities attend there. They require high standards of behaviour, insist on qualified teachers (PGCE or Degree in Education), have good facilities and a huge playground. The children are, in general, happy at the school.

    One drawback is that the school only caters for children up to the end of Year 8.After that time the children must move to a new school which means making new friends, finding their way around,etc. You'll find
    that many of the parents will send their children off to Boarding School rather than find another Kuwait school.

    KES caters for children through A level. My son was there until the end of Year 10. The school has high academic standards. This is good for those who can cope with this,but not all children can. Standards are continually assessed and children falling behind in their performance are sent regular letters home. Home school communication is quite good. Their facilities are reasonable, swimming pool, gym, etc. Music teaching is excellent and they have a flourishing orchestra and drama department.

    All in all, I'd be inclined to go for KES simply because your oldest child is Year 7 and close to the cutoff point for TES. You could move between the schools - TES is in Salmiya and KES in Salwa, but the traffic around TES is horrendous and very slow!!! There is a park with a restaurant across from KES should you need to wait between pickups. This is a recent innovation and a definite advantage to sitting in a car which can be extremely hot during the summer months.

    I hope this helps, Tamer. I think you'll be happy in Kuwait and feel free to ask any more questions.

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